Tuesday 29 September 2009


i'm back to work yesterday and today only for 2 hours, then i realise i'm bleeding again. quickly pack my bag and leave a word with my colleague and i rush down to kk again. really don't know what is the cause for my bleeding. i didn't do anything very tiring or carry heavy things leh. i just sit and do filing only leh.

anyway, as usual i was given a scan to check on baby. baby is alright. this time round, doc ask me to up my dosage for hormone pills from once a day to twice a day. he is quite funny. after i told him what happen last week. he smile and ask me to quit to stay at home. hahaha.... he give me mc for the rest of the week to rest at home. comparing this week and last week, i think i'm making progress. instead of working for half a day and left, i had work 1 day + 2hours this week. maybe next week, it will be better.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

first day back at work ends with more mc

after my long break from work due to my fractured left arm, i'm back at work today. it does feel a bit odd in the beginning but after a few hours, not too bad liao. i spent the whole morning doing nothing but printing and filing reports and its not done yet. sorting and filing continues in the afternoon after i came back from lunch.

knowing my own condition, i didn't do anything very tiring. i just sit there and do my sorting and filing. once in a while, stand up and took a file out of the cupboard and place it back. so the most 'heavy' work i did is just taking an arch file out of the cupboard and putting it back.

don't know if this is the cause of my 'bleeding'? i went to the toilet and realise that i was 'bleeding'. i use the word 'bleeding' instead of spotting cos its a lot more than just spotting. i was in shock. went back to my place and sit for a while and told my colleague about it. i told her i will monitor a bit before i head down to kk 24 hours clinic. she asked me to leave immediately and not wait further. i went back to toilet to check again and this time i saw more of it. i know couldn't wait liao better go immediately. i quickly off my laptop, grab my bag and head down to kk.

on my way there, i sms darling to tell him. i was so worried that something will happen to baby. i keep telling baby not to scare mummy and must be strong. i cry in the cab. i try not to scare the taxi uncle too, so i try very hard to control my tears.

i quickly register myself and waited for my turn. darling still didn't reach when i went in. the doc did a scan and told me baby is fine. i feel so relieve when i heard that. she say its old blood and must try to rest. she ask me how many days of mc i want. she can give me all the way till first trimester end. however, i only requested for this week. i cannot imagine going on mc again for about 3 weeks. shall monitor my situation and see how.

back home, i have been a good girl resting in bed and not walking much. yu ze is very cute and sweet. he climb up my bed when he saw me in bed. then suddenly, he just put his head down on my tummy - his way of showing love. he is so sweet. i smile and say to him. yu ze is a gor gor now, must love love baby ok. he look at me and he did it again. yu ze, mummy loves you.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

3rd gynae visit

today, we went to fetch yu ze to go for my gynae visit. good thing is that baby is growing well at 9 weeks+. i have not been eating well for the last few weeks. my meal goes from 1/2 to 3/4 meal for breakfast, 1/2 meal for lunch and 1/2 or 1/4 meal for dinner. i felt hungry but simply got no appetite to eat. it just feels horrible.

i also did blood test today and schedule for first trimester screening in 3 weeks time. gynae wanted to give me some multivitamins to eat but i requested not to. i told him i will get those children's chewable multivitamins outside cos i can't swallow them. hahah...

yu ze finally got to meet my gynae and he is very cheerful and friendly towards him. when i was doing the scan, yu ze was crying for me. hubby brought him in to show him where i am and also the monitor and tell him where is baby. he just keep pointing at the screen as if he knows something.

due to my horrible appetite, i lost weight, only at 44.8kg now.

Sunday 6 September 2009

yu ze - 13 months

yu ze is 13 month old liao. we constantly remind ourselves not to call him a baby cos he is no longer a baby but a toddler. however, most of the time we fail to do so and just continue to call him baby. i guess he will always be a baby to us.

last month, he finally decide to walk with our assistance by holding to our hands. this month, he decide to be a brave boy and took his first few steps without assistance. though its still not very stable but i would say its very good liao. he likes to hold our hand and walk round the whole house, explore the void decks, car parks, playground, everywhere... he loves challenges, he will want to walk up the stairs, walk down the stairs and anywhere that seems to be dangerous for him like the drains. if he didn't get to walk to wherever he wants, he will throw temper and sit on the floor and refuse to move. so we will have to carry him away to another spot before letting him down to walk again. right now, he will need to crawl to something for support in order to stand or grab our hand to stand. he is still learning to stand up without support.

sometimes, he will hold on to his stroller and started to push it around in shopping centres. we have to guide the stroller to make sure it doesn't knock into people cos nobody can tell that a little boy is actually pushing the stroller around.

little cao ah beng
did i mention that this boy is a climber? he likes to climb everything. climb up our bed, sofa and even try to climb out of his cot. his favourite is to climb those little short wall (don't know the actual name. its like a little fence near lift lobby and letter box area) at void deck. he will climb up and sit at the latch there and shake his legs. then come down and climb up again. sigh....

he can finally wave bye bye liao. still doesn't know how to give flying kiss. he will put his hand on your mouth instead of his to give the flying kiss. he is able to stack 2 wooden block on top of one another too. he knows how to play slides too. he gets very excited when he sees the playground and will always want us to bring him. oh yes, another thing. he can finally self feed himself with biscuits and finger food. i think in this aspect he is pretty slow.

well, he is still our little darling and we love him.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

2nd gynae visit

we brought yu ze along for my gynae visit, wanting to show him his new sibling. however, this boy was sleeping when its my turn so he didn't get to see baby #2.

gynae say baby had grown as per last visit and i had put on 200g to 46.2kg now. gynae say got baby's heartbeat liao but i couldn't make it up from the screen. i should be able to as not my first time mah but i really can't see it well from the screen. hehe.... cos of this make me worried if baby really got heartbeat or not.

i also failed my routine test. there are lots of sugar in my urine cause by the cup of ice chocolate that i took before heading down to kk. because of this, i start to panic too. i don't want to be tested with gestation diabetes this time round. i want to prevent it from coming. i better start digging out my old notes and start on a correct diet. kiasu mummy. i also bought the urine test strips to do testing myself.

edd is on 22 april 2010.