Sunday 6 September 2009

yu ze - 13 months

yu ze is 13 month old liao. we constantly remind ourselves not to call him a baby cos he is no longer a baby but a toddler. however, most of the time we fail to do so and just continue to call him baby. i guess he will always be a baby to us.

last month, he finally decide to walk with our assistance by holding to our hands. this month, he decide to be a brave boy and took his first few steps without assistance. though its still not very stable but i would say its very good liao. he likes to hold our hand and walk round the whole house, explore the void decks, car parks, playground, everywhere... he loves challenges, he will want to walk up the stairs, walk down the stairs and anywhere that seems to be dangerous for him like the drains. if he didn't get to walk to wherever he wants, he will throw temper and sit on the floor and refuse to move. so we will have to carry him away to another spot before letting him down to walk again. right now, he will need to crawl to something for support in order to stand or grab our hand to stand. he is still learning to stand up without support.

sometimes, he will hold on to his stroller and started to push it around in shopping centres. we have to guide the stroller to make sure it doesn't knock into people cos nobody can tell that a little boy is actually pushing the stroller around.

little cao ah beng
did i mention that this boy is a climber? he likes to climb everything. climb up our bed, sofa and even try to climb out of his cot. his favourite is to climb those little short wall (don't know the actual name. its like a little fence near lift lobby and letter box area) at void deck. he will climb up and sit at the latch there and shake his legs. then come down and climb up again. sigh....

he can finally wave bye bye liao. still doesn't know how to give flying kiss. he will put his hand on your mouth instead of his to give the flying kiss. he is able to stack 2 wooden block on top of one another too. he knows how to play slides too. he gets very excited when he sees the playground and will always want us to bring him. oh yes, another thing. he can finally self feed himself with biscuits and finger food. i think in this aspect he is pretty slow.

well, he is still our little darling and we love him.

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