Wednesday 17 February 2010

1st day of school

today will be yu ze's first day in school (childcare to be exact). mummy had arranged to take school bus with him to school so that he can get to know the bus driver uncle and auntie on the bus.

the bus is supposed to pick us up at 720am, 2 car parks from our place. why 2 car parks away cos right in front of my car park is rosyth pri school, there will be bad traffic during that time as many parents will be dropping their kids off. thus, they can only offer to pick us up 2 car park away which is like 5 - 10 minutes walk depending on our speed.

anyway, first day of school after chinese new year both mummy and yu ze almost missed the bus. mummy wakes up at 7.05am and quickly get myself changed and make milk for yu ze. wake him up and quickly changed him into his uniform and carry him and his school bag and head straight down. anyway, we are definitely later than 720am but we are lucky to catch the bus before it turn out of the car park. if not, we will have to take a cab down to school ourselves. i let yu ze drink his milk in the bus and tell him that he will need to follow uncle and auntie next week to go to school. i give my contact to the bus driver together with yu ze's name and class and the arrangement for tomorrow and fri.

i would say the journey to school is not too bad cos we are taking a lot of small road through terrace houses and condo to pick up other children. therefore, the bus speed is pretty slow in a way which i think it should be quite safe.

since its first day of school, i decide to let yu ze stay for class only and bring him back at 11am taking the school bus again. i brought him to his class and drop him off to play while i go back to the office to make payment for his school fees. when i went back to peep at him, he is still happily playing inside. i'm so relief and happy to see that. however, i was happy too soon.

after 30 minutes, he suddenly realised that i'm gone and started screaming and crying inside. keep pulling the teacher's hand to the door indicating that he wants to come out. then he saw me from the window, he cry even louder. it so heart pain to see him cry like that, i end up crying with him. i walk into class and carry him trying to pacify him. my tears just keep dropping while i carry him. i never thought he will be so needy as he has always been very brave and independent. he hug me very tightly and refuse to let go at all.

after a while, then i manage to put him down to let him join his class for activities. i sat at a little corner in the class. he will play half way and start searching for me and came running to me for a hug. he got himself injured on the first day of school too. he and his friend were playing at the kitchen set, don't know what happen his hand got caught and become red and swollen. he was crying so badly that the teacher quickly get ice pack for him. he just hug me and cry. poor boy.

i stay in class with him for the full 3 hours. yu ze slept on the way home in the bus, i guess he must be too tired from the class and crying. and me, i'm just too hungry cos both of us woke up late, i end up with no breakfast. hopefully, yu ze will do better tomorrow or i can more hard hearted and leave him with the teacher and go for my breakfast.

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