Tuesday 2 February 2010

7th gynae visit

today, wake up early cos i got ogtt today. fast since last night and did my first blood draw at 9am, drink a cup of super sweet drink then did a 2nd blood draw at 11.15am. the drink is so yucky that even when i burp i still get the taste. yucks!!!!
in between the wait for blood draw, i also had appointment to see gynae. baby is at 1.1kg same weight as yu ze at 28 weeks. i gain 1.3kg in 1 month time, weighing 49.1kg now. gynae confirm with me again that baby is still a girl. hahaha.....  gynae mention that if i don't get his call in 1 weeks time, it means good news.
i don't remember having to wait so long for the result loh. last time, i got the call that night itself liao. anyway, till now i still haven't get any call. maybe i must really wait till 1 week later bah.  we had also did our pre-admission and book our room. again, we had go for a1 ward cos darling say must be fair. since yu ze got single room, then we will have single room again. however, the fees is definitely more expensive now. we make payment of $2080 via cash compared to about $1.7k, 2 years ago.

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