Monday 30 June 2008

6th glucose test

i'm doing my 6th round of test today. although i'm allow to cut down my testing to 4 times this round but i decided to do my full round. as i had a bad start today, i fail my first testing. 
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 8 (fail, kuay teow wanton soup and milk)
  • before lunch - 4.4
  • 2 hours after lunch - 6
  • before dinner - 4.1
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.3
  • before supper - 4.7
i think my body system is really starting to slow down. looking at my results, my body is not breaking down my food as fast as last month liao. since my appetite is getting smaller, maybe i can further cut down on my intake of carbo.

Thursday 26 June 2008

cutting down on frequency

yeah!!!! i got permission from dietician to cut down my blood glucose test frequency from 7 times a day to 4 times a day. now i only need to test 2 hours after breakfast, lunch, dinner and before supper. with this, i don't need to spend more money buying the test strips and lancets liao. together with what danadele had given me and my own, they will be able to last me till edd. 

dietitian also mention that i must test before meals if my tea breaks are not what i usually have. so as long as i eat what i usually does, then no need to do extra test. then my poor fingers won't have to suffer so much pricking liao.

Monday 23 June 2008

5th glucose test

i'm doing my 5th round of test today. 
  • before breakfast - 4.7
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.9
  • before lunch - 4.1
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.8
  • before dinner - 4.2
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6.2 (same as 2 weeks ago)
  • before supper - 4.3

the first result is the higher than my usual result although its within range. i think most likely due to the buffet i had on sat night. together with all the sinful stuff like chocolate cakes, cheesecakes, ice cream, soft drinks and yakult. yesterday night, i also had my yakult after dinner. 

my 2 hours after dinner is the same as last week, i had the same dish then too. i guess the main culprit is the chili kangkong. 

i'm still suffering from constipation. nothing seems to help.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

9th gynae visit & 1st dietician review

today, i had appointment with dietician and gynae. went to see dietician first, had a discussion with her on my diet for these few weeks. i also had my weight taken. i didn’t put on weight but lost 500g. now, she wants me to eat a bit more to put on some weight. i was like huh!!! you want me to control my diet to control weight and now ask me to put on weight. how? i was told to add a cup of milk for morning tea and a slice of bread for afternoon tea. i complaint about constipation ever since i started on this new diet. she says if i want to take orange juice, i can but i must take blood sugar test after that to make sure that the orange juice is not causing my blood sugar level to increase. if its within my usual range, then its fine. if really need to, she prefer me to take apple or prune juice instead. i will go back to see her again when i next go for my gynae visit in 4 weeks time. 

as usual, my gynae check is a fast one. baby is growing well. water level and placenta is good too. baby is head down liao. gynae is very pleased with my progress. he says that i feed baby well. he says elephant give birth to elephant, mouse give birth to mouse. taking into consideration that i’m a small size mummy, baby is like a little hippo in me. baby will easily hit 3kg at full term. therefore, he told us not to worry even though i lost weight.

this is baby
baby is 1.7kg at 32 weeks. i had a total weight gain of 8. 5kg to date. considering baby weight gain of baby 600g since last visit and my lost of 500g, does that means that i have lost 1.1kg actually. hehehe….. which means i have less to shed after birth. yeah!!!! 

we had make our first payment for room today too. we had opt for class a now. but we can choose to downgrade later as long as we do it before admission. in case of complications, they will also advise us to downgrade to either b2 or c and not keeping us in class a. i think this is important and good. 

the next visit is still in 4 weeks time. its another long wait. i thought our visit should be 2 weeks now. never mind, at least save money loh. in our next visit, need to discuss on pain relief and labour liao. we were given some brochure to come back and read up.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

1st round of washing

we did our first round of washing yesterday. we put all baby's clothes, nappy, mittens & booties, bibs, socks and hanky to wash. all these actually take up about 80% of our washing machine. never expect all these little stuffs do take up lots of space. 
as we were hanging them up to dry, i was laughing away. the arm holes are so small, it make me wonder if they can go through the bamboo or not. hehehehhe...... well, we had used up 6 bamboos and its still not enough. so we resort to hanging it on those small peg hangers and extending it with our own way. its so funny.

there are more washing to come later.

Monday 16 June 2008

4th glucose test

i'm doing my 4th round of test today. 
  • before breakfast - 4.1
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.7
  • before lunch - 4.1
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5
  • before dinner - 4.1
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.8
  • before supper - 4.3
going to see dietician on wed. hopefully, she will be happy with my results and let me cut down my frequency to once every 2 weeks. hehehe.... dreaming.....

Saturday 14 June 2008

big o

i have been wanting to eat big O cheesecake from nydc or big O cafe and this has been pushed back since i know i need to do the ogtt test last month. i finally had it today after my yoga class. since my blood sugar test had been quite good and i really wish to eat it. i got darling to agree to share it with me. at least, i don't eat too much and have the whole of sun to digest all the unwanted sugar and be ready for another round of test on mon. 

darling was saying that i play cheat but its so satisfying to be able to eat it. i really miss it a lot. the next thing that i would like to have is the good wood park hotel durian puff. for this, darling says he will buy for me but i'm only allow to eat one. well, its better than having none right. but i think i better be a good girl and keep away from the durian puff.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

full month's cake

after checking with father-in-law this morning, he decided not to hold any full month celebration for baby. so we will just buy cakes and distribute to relatives. will most likely do the same for my parents' side too. 

we are still deciding if we want to hold a little celebration at our place just for our friends. 
i have shortlisted a few places, please give your comments on them. 

Monday 9 June 2008

3rd glucose test

i'm having my 3rd round of test today. this morning wanted to eat 2 soon kueh for breakfast but couldn't have it cos auntie put sweet sauce for me. so the soon kueh end up in darling's tummy. then i order for kueh teow prawn soup and yet i was given kueh teow noodle soup. so angry. didn't have a good start. hopefully, the rest of the day will be smooth. 
  • before breakfast - 4.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.6
  • before lunch - 4.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.4
  • before dinner - 4.1
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6.2 (although its within range but its the highest score so far)
  • before supper - 4.9
i'm so blur today. almost forget to test after lunch, was late for 10 minutes. then at dinner, again forget to test before eating. i took a few spoonful then i remember. quickly drop my spoon and started pricking myself. so sotong. 
today, is really not a good day. i try pricking myself and fail to get any blood out twice, end with a total of pricking myself 9 times. i have also wasted 1 strip cos there is too little blood to test. sigh...

Sunday 8 June 2008

premature beanie

i think its almost a month ago, i saw an article on the papers about how some housewives, young adults gathered together to make little premature beanie hats for premature babies. these little hats are meant for premature babies to protect their soft little heads. their accomplished work will be send to countries like india and some other places (can't remember what other place).

after reading the article, i had this strong feeling of wanting to join them in this meaningful activities. i think cos right now, i'm going to be a mum too, starts to feel more towards babies. i want to do something for them especially for premature babies (they are so small and weak). its not hard work, just need a little of my time. i think its really worth it. i treat it as helping my baby to 'ji fu' too.

i contacted them to tell them my interest in joining. i got their reply and started on my mission after getting the patterns for the hats. i had send in my first round of 4 little hats to them but forgotten to take pics of it.

i just got new yarn from spotlight and started working on it again. if you wish to do your part too, can contact mrs jane palmer ( to indicate your interest too.

Thursday 5 June 2008


darling was away for camp on our customary anniversary and is supposed to be back only today. i got him a t-shirt as gift and hang it up in the wardrobe like his usual clothes. wanted it as a little surprise for him.

well, he surprises me by coming back to spend the night with me and went back this morning after having breakfast with me. but his surprise came too late, i was already sleeping when he came back. hehehe......

darling saw his new t-shirt in the morning. he spotted it the moment he opens the door. i'm so glad that he likes it very much. 

he give me a little surprise with this little 'bouquet' of flower when he fetch me from work. i didn't expect to get anything from him since he just came back from camp. thanks darling.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

glucose test

i did my glucose blood test for this week on mon and yesterday. very pleased to see that my results are within range. the acceptable range for before food is 3.3 - 5.5 and after food is 5.5 - 7. 
mon's result 
  • before breakfast - 4.6
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.8
  • before lunch - 3.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.9
  • before dinner - 4.4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.8
  • before supper - 4.9
tues's result
  • before breakfast - 4.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.9
  • before lunch - 4.4
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.3
  • before dinner - 4.7
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.1
  • before supper - 4.4
looking at my result, i think can consider it them on the low side bah (自我安慰). heheh..... they are quite consistent too. 
fingers feel a bit numb after so many pricks. first day still not too bad but on second day, really feel numb liao. i also have difficulties stopping the little wound from bleeding, it takes a bit longer to stop then usual. wonder what is wrong.
anyway next week onwards, i only need to test for once a week instead of twice. yeah!!!


Tuesday 3 June 2008


today marks our first wedding anniversary. although this is our first anniversary, there is no celebration. darling is away for camp for 3 days and won't be back till thurs. guess what, he actually forgets about it. how can he forgets!!! just about a month ago, we were still planning to go back to fullerton for a night stay today but give up the idea cos the rates are too high. for a normal room, it will cost around $500. we rather keep this money to get more things for baby. 

i had even set a reminder in his hp for him and yet he still ask me what anniversary is it. he really 'bo sim' hoh.... guess what makes him remember in the evening? i sms him saying that i'm going to get myself an expensive gift and charge his account since he can't remember our anniversary. he call me back immediately still trying to figure out what day, today is? after lots of guess then finally it strike him that its our customary anniversary. sigh.... are all man like that?

anyway, he did ask me to get a gift for myself. i did see anything i want for myself but saw the pooh bumper from mothercare for baby. however, i didn't get it cos its too too expensive liao.

never thought that for our first anniversary, i have to be 'home alone', not exactly cos i got baby with me. sigh.... happy anniversary to myself.