Sunday 8 June 2008

premature beanie

i think its almost a month ago, i saw an article on the papers about how some housewives, young adults gathered together to make little premature beanie hats for premature babies. these little hats are meant for premature babies to protect their soft little heads. their accomplished work will be send to countries like india and some other places (can't remember what other place).

after reading the article, i had this strong feeling of wanting to join them in this meaningful activities. i think cos right now, i'm going to be a mum too, starts to feel more towards babies. i want to do something for them especially for premature babies (they are so small and weak). its not hard work, just need a little of my time. i think its really worth it. i treat it as helping my baby to 'ji fu' too.

i contacted them to tell them my interest in joining. i got their reply and started on my mission after getting the patterns for the hats. i had send in my first round of 4 little hats to them but forgotten to take pics of it.

i just got new yarn from spotlight and started working on it again. if you wish to do your part too, can contact mrs jane palmer ( to indicate your interest too.

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