Wednesday 31 December 2008

last day of 2008

last day of 2008, yu ze decides to hold his own bottle, not to long though. he had been trying to hold his own bottle for quite some time liao. we will let go of our hands and let him hold the bottle whenever he try to hold. but he will let go of the bottle when we let go.

today, he wake up feeling warm. he is not having a fever just has a warm body. due to the temperature, he refuse to drink milk. babysitter try feeding him every half an hour and he only drink 1 oz and keep fussing. then she starts feeding him with gripe water mixed with lots of water. only then he drinks a lot and starts to pee a lot too. this way, it helps to bring down his body temperature and by noon he is ok liao. he starts to feel hungry and drinks his milk. cos he is hungry, he hold his own bottle and drinking away.

so in the evening when he is back home, he also hold his own bottle. not for very long but its long enough for me to get the camera to take photo. heheh... going to start training him to hold his own bottle liao

Thursday 25 December 2008

its christmas!!!

yu ze's first christmas, he got lots of new toys and we brought him to see christmas lightings too. although he won't be able to remember anything but at least must take some picture to show him when he grow up. 

Sunday 14 December 2008

babies christmas party

we had a christmas party for the august babies at one of the mummy's place in the afternoon. she is very nice to offer her place for the mummies and babies to have an enjoyable christmas party. we had gift exchange for the babies. all babies get to see their friends and interact with one another.
darling send us there but didn't join us. mummies that i had not met, can recognise me by looking at yu ze. i didn't know yu ze is so 'popular', mummies can come up to me at the void deck and say this must be yu ze and you are celyn. heheh..... for mummies that we are meeting for the first time, we are able to recognise each other by looking at the baby.
i think its nice to have such gathering for the babies and mummies too. now we can put nick to faces when we chat in forum. i think there might be another one coming up for chinese new year.

Thursday 11 December 2008

mattel warehouse sale

we went to mattel warehouse sale twice. once on 5 dec and the second time today. got 4 items on the 5 but 2 of them was given away so left 2 for yu ze. then on the 11, we went again and got another 2 toys for him.  
after looking at what other mummies loot from the sale, i have learn something. for future sale, i must go on the first day and early in the morning to get goodies. they manage to get all the toys that i had in mind to get and i got none of them.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

yu ze's room

are the alphabets on the wall very familiar? i did them when i'm still pregnant. it was only now that i have the time to put them up on the wall. we also got him a little bookshelves for his books. yu ze's room is very simple, nothing fancy.

Saturday 6 December 2008

yummy drumstick

yu ze is 4 months liao. traditionally he can starts on solid from today. however, we will only start him after 6 months. we did a little open ceremony for him. we give him a drum stick to lick. he is enjoying the drumstick.

heheh... sorry, baby this is the only time you get to taste it for now. you will get to start eating solid food only after 6 months, so 2 more months ok. please be patient.

he is able to lay down and play on his own now, giving us some free time to do our own work. having the short 30 minutes to 1 hours to ourselves is really good. he starts to recognise us and the environment now liao. sometimes he will cry very badly if we are out of his sight. he too will feel insecure and if he is in an unfamiliar place and we are not within his sight. we brought him to fil's place and he start crying when he didn't see me. once i carry him, he is ok liao. it feel so great that i'm so wanted by him.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

bumper mat

cheapo mummy finally got a bumper mat for yu ze. i have been eyeing on this for the longest time. i just find it too expensive for a mat. also i don't get to see and touch the mat so was so scare that after i spend so much, its going to be a white elephant. there are 2 brands for it, parklon and lg prime. the price difference between these 2 is great and can't really tell what is the major different. thus, i keep pushing the idea back. 

i finally get to see the actual product when i went for the august babies gathering. that mummy told me she had the mat for 3 years already and its actually her best buy. hers is the parklon brand one. i was impressed cos after 3 years, the colour still look so bright and good. i'm convince liao, i want to get one for yu ze even if darling objects. 

i finally placed order for the parklon yellow bear. i got darling to pay for it. hahahah..... i told him its a good mat and yu ze loves it. :P i'm so glad that he didn't fuss at all when i put him there. he actually likes laying there and play on his own. maybe cos we are just around him or some where near, at least he is not alone. he likes to have company and don't like to be alone.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

review after uti

we went back to kk for yu ze's first review after being discharged for uti. he had an ultrascan on his kidney and bladder. they are growing well, no sign or deform or abnormal. so this is a good news. i ask if he can stop his antibiotic but was rejected. the antibiotic is to clean up or kill any possible bacteria in his urine in his uterus. in case there is any back flow of urine, it will be free from bacteria or contain less bacteria that could harm the kidney. so he still need to continue to take his antibiotic till march where another test will be conducted.

today's scan only tell us that his kidney and bladder are growing well but doesn't tell us if there is any backflow of urine into his kidney which could be the cause of his uti. therefore in march, they are going to insert some colour dye into him then do a scan to see the flow of his urine. if his urine flow is normal, the previous uti is just an isolated case. if there is a backflow of urine, then they need to see how serious is the backflow. if its very serious, there might do a little operation on him or he may have to take antibiotic till he is 6 years old. however, looking at him physically, the doc say it should be an isolated case of uti or even if there is really a back flow its not a serious one. she told us for babies who really have back flow problem will be sickly and not as active as yu ze. 

for now we just need to make sure he take his antibiotic every night and he don't develop a fever.

Saturday 29 November 2008


last wed, we finally got a float and a little swimming trunk for yu ze. so this morning brought yu ze to the serangoon swimming pool for his first swim. the water is a bit cold but he didn't make any noise when we put him in. he just sit in the float and look blur. after 10 minutes of swimming or soaking in water, he eh eh a bit. so we bring him up, changed and come back. don't know if he is enjoying it but i'm definitely enjoy seeing him in that little cute swimming trunk. hahah....

the first thing we do is to bathe him when we reached home. shortly after that, he fall asleep. is the swimming too tiring or he just simply wants to nap. anyway, after today swimming session darling says he will bring yu ze for a swim every sat morning. we shall see about it man.

Friday 28 November 2008

not a tooth

remember some time back, i blog about yu ze might be teething as there is a little white dot that we found on his gum. that little white dot had stay at the same spot for almost 3 weeks before it decided that its enough. it just went missing out of a sudden. 

babysitter inform us that the white dot is gone. i always thought its his little tooth so was surprised to hear that its gone. i got yu ze to open his mouth to see it for myself. its indeed gone. it doesn't stay long enough for me to check with pd if yu ze is really teething. now with its disappearing act, it makes me wonder what exactly it is.

Saturday 22 November 2008

august babies meet up

some august babies had their gathering, meeting up with their little friends. it was quite a big group, there are 20 babies altogether. 2 of them left before the big group photo taking. we mummies had our fun too, chatting with one another and playing with other babies. yu ze is the smallest build among the boys who attended the gathering. we will be having a christmas party for the babies again in dec.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

drama drama!!!

this morning is so drama.... as usual i wake up, pump and get ready for work. yu ze wake up and start to eh eh. darling went in to give him his tu tu while i continue with my preparation. then he eh eh again, i walk in and find him very smelly, give him his tu tu and i walk out again to do my things. 

then i walk in again to carry him cos we are all ready to leave the house to babysitter's place. as i carry him, really find him super smelly so i look at his buttock from behind but didn't see any poo leh. but he is so super smelly he must have poo loh. i walk back into the room, on the light to check him. i'm so shock to see that he is cover with poo. his poo leak out of his diaper, wet his clothes and also half his body. haiyo..... its so dirty. quickly remove his top and clean him. but its so much that darling suggest giving him a bath instead. 

he went to put water for yu ze to bathe while i use baby wipes to clean him up first. then darling bathe him, i remove his bedsheet, mattress protector and get myself change. 

yu ze sleeps on his tummy that's why his poo get leak out and wet him on the front and not his back. also darling didn't wear his diaper properly for him last night. he wear it very loosely so when yu ze moves, its get out of position and causing all these mess. this is the first time the diaper fail us. now yu ze can skip night feed so don't have to wake up to feed him but does it mean that i have to wake up to make sure he don't poo and wet himself. hmmm...... anyway, just hope that such things won't happen again.

Friday 7 November 2008

tooth fairy is here?

yu ze had been using size 3 teats at home since 2 months but still use size 2 at babysitter's place. so wanted to upgrade his teats to size 3 at babysitter's place and also all his pacifier to 3 - 6 months ones. yesterday, we went to robinson but didn't get anything cos there is no discount. cheapo mummy now, will only buy things when there is sale. hahah...... we had dinner at fish & co before heading back to pick up yu ze. 

back home, i play and talk to yu ze before i put him to sleep. then i realise that there is a little white dot on his lower gum. at first i thought its breast milk but then milk is liquid so it wouldn't stay there right. so i ask darling to see, could it be his first little tooth wanting to make its way out. we couldn't figure out what is it so we leave it as it is, thinking that it might be gone today after bath and cleaning of his mouth. but its still there after bath.

hmmmm....... could it be really his little tooth? he had been drooling a lot recently and had always wanted to put his hand in his mouth to suck. are all these signs of teething? i guess we just have to be patient and continue to monitor that little white dot. wonder what will it become? is it really a tooth or something else?

Thursday 6 November 2008

yu ze - 3 months

my little baby at 3 months is no longer the same little baby liao. he can sleep on his own in his cot in his room now. no need the mummy mattress to sleep, no need to be rock to sleep, he will go to sleep himself when i leave him in the cot. he is very talkative, likes to talk a lot. he is trying to sit up and flip now. this naughty boy is also developing a lot of bad habits like blowing bubbles with his saliva, pulling his top up, sucking his hand and screams very loud if we didn't give him the attention he wants.

Monday 3 November 2008

crazy over leapfrog

i have got 2 leapfrog toys for yu ze, the discovery ball and brightlings station. actually there are more leapfrog toys that i want to buy but they are so ex. hopefully will like playing with these toys. at least for now, i'm the one enjoying the toy more than him. heheh....

getting these toys are going to burn a big hole in my little pocket. hahah..... good thing is that i got both from motherhood forum at a low price if not i will have the eat 'grass' everyday liao. now i'm thinking if i should get the brightlings dancers and matchers for the brightlings station.

Thursday 30 October 2008

home alone? no more

darling is away for a 2 day 1 night camp again. the last round when darling go for camp, i'm home alone with yu ze inside me. from today, no more home alone for me. i will have yu ze with me. he is there physically with me. 

since darling is away for camp, he can't send and fetch yu ze from babysitter's place these 2 days. which means, i have to do the job. although the car ride is about 10 - 15 minutes from home but i can't imagine myself lugging my handbag, breast pump bag and carry yu ze all the way to her house. even with taking cab, i don't think i can handle. 

lucky for me, babysitter is very nice. she say she will fetch and send yu ze for me. she came this morning at 6.30am to fetch yu ze and will also send him back tonight. i'm so glad to have her.

Thursday 23 October 2008

mummies gathering

we had a little gathering for some motherhood forum august mummies. we had a buffet lunch at furama hotel, Tiffany Café & Restaurant. its nice to put faces to our nick. we have been chatting, sharing our happiness, problems and be there to support one another since last year and yet never see each other in person. the gathering was fun and we just talk and eat non-stop. hahahha..... 
 next time, we should try to organise one gathering for all babies to meet too. it will be very cute to see all babies together but logistics wise is going to be a big headache.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

quilt blanklet

yu ze got this quilt blanket from babysitter. its done up by her friend for yu ze. according to her, her friend will make one for all the baby that she had look after so far. i think its nice for her friend to do this. i remember when i was young, i also had something similar. its very nice to use it and i had that till i was in primary school.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

gold milk

my freezer is almost bursting from bottles and bottles of breast milk. good thing is that i can always transport them to babysitter's place when its bursting or about to burst. if babysitter's freezer is bursting too then i can store at father in law's place which i don't think i will have the chance to use. 

darling always feels that there is a lot of breast milk in the freezer and ask me to give more to yu ze. just throw away if he can't finished. just give him more to see if he wants more. i will get upset whenever he said that. yesterday, i told him off. you think there is a lot of breast milk is it? once i stop expressing, these will only last yu ze 10 days. its only 10 days and not 10 months ok? its only then he keep quiet and say softly, it looks like a lot mah. sigh.... man hoh. arghhh....... maths not good is it? can't he just go and count the number of feeds each day and the number of bottles in there.

i know i do spend quite a lot of getting the plastic caps for the bottles but at least i get to recycle them. if i use milk bag isn't it going to cost more since we are freezing feed amount? i'm running out of bottles and need to source for more liao.

Friday 10 October 2008

sotong mommy

this morning, i send yu ze to babysitter's place as i'm down with flu and sore throat. don't want him to be home so that i can rest. give him his morning feed at 6am then let him sleep till 6.30am before i wake him up to send him over.

got him ready, took his medicine from the fridge and off we go. i told babysitter that his last feed is at 6am and left for breakfast. 

first thing i do when i reach home is express milk then head straight to my bed and fall asleep till 11am. still feel a bit tired but have to wake up to express milk. had my lunch and rested a while. 

suddenly remember that i forget to tell babysitter that i feed him medicine this morning. so sotong. quickly call her just now but its too late. she feed him medicine too in the morning. which means he had 2 dose within a short period, maybe 3 hour different. i told her not to give again in the afternoon. hopefully, it won't do any harm to him. blur like sotong leh, how can i forget to tell her. sigh......

Thursday 9 October 2008

yu ze has uti

on fri night, i told darling to make yu ze sleep. i'm not going to make yu ze sleep, he needs to learn how to do it. he can't rely on me to do it everyday. what if i'm not around how? yu ze no need to sleep is it? or is he going to sleep very late. 

so darling try all sort of ways but still fail and yu ze keeps crying. i ignore them until i buay tahan, stand up and carry yu ze over. the moment i carry him, i realise he is very hot. quickly, took out the thermometer to take his temperature. its 38.3 degree. i'm still in pjamas, quickly took his birth cert and rush over to the 24 hours clinic opposite our flat.

i brought yu ze to the clinic to register first while darling park the car. apparently his temperature drop to 37.7 degree at the clinic, so gp say it might not be a fever as baby temperature is always high. told us to monitor, anything more than 38 degree, give him the medicine.

back home, i took his temperature and its drop again. so i was make him to sleep without any medication. i woke him up at 2am for night feed, took temperature and this time its over 38 degrees. i give him some medicine and let him sleep again. almost every 1 to 2 hours, i will wake up to take his temperature. after the medicine, it did went down. to be safe, i give him another dose at 8am on sat. told darling that we are not going for baby massage class liao better not spread the germs to other babies there. 
yu ze is sleepy throughout the day maybe due to the medicine but his temperature is under control. at 5pm, his temperature went up again to 38.6 degree. darling say better bring him to see doc again. i'm still feeding him and told darling to pack his things. after his feed, i change and we brought him to kk. 
his temperature remains high when we reach kk. doc examine him and can't find any infection. we were told that they need to admit him as he is below 3 months old. they will admit baby below 3 months old with fever to monitor. i was sad to hear it but still ok.
when we were doing admission, i started tearing. we were told that only 1 of us can stay with him. at the ward, doc came to see him again and was told that they will collect his urine and blood sample for test. they wants to find out the reason for the fever, suspect its either virus or bacteria infection.
getting ready to bathe
they took yu ze away to take blood and insert a cannula to feed medicine if need to. poor boy got his hand all wrapped up tightly to prevent the cannula from going out of position. good thing is that he is still active as before doesn't behave like a sick baby.  
doc told us that they will start antibiotic for him while waiting for the results which take 48 hours. the earliest yu ze can go home is on tues. despite being told that only 1 of us can stay, both of us stay throughout his stay with him. first night, both of us squeeze on the single folding bed provided. second night onwards, i sleep with yu ze in his little cot. his little cot is quite big and the length fits me nicely. hahahh..... maybe i'm too short. 
yu ze's appetite is no good during the stay. it should be due to the medication. doc says as long as he is drinking more than half of his usual, its fine. i mention earlier that he ha hernia right. during the stay, a surgeon came to see him and confirm that its not a hernia, its hydrocele. no need treatment at the moment, just monitoring. usually it will go away by 2 years old. if not, then need to do a little op then.
result on his urine and blood test is out on tues. he had got uti. uti is very rare in boys but do happen. his fever is down since sun so he is allow to discharge but need to continue with antibiotic and be back for scans and checks.

Monday 6 October 2008

yu ze - 2 months

my little baby is 2 months old. for the past 1 month, he needs mummy to rock him to sleep and also mummy to be his mattress. only when he is sound asleep then can transfer him from the mummy mattress to mummy's bed. he wants no one except mummy when he is sleepy. daddy trys his best, follow mummy's pattern also can't put him to sleep. he only wants me. baby cannot be so choosy ok. sometimes must let daddy to help put you to sleep, ok. he also starts to reject bottle and only wants to latch. maybe he thinks he is old enough to choose what he wants liao but no baby. you don't have an option. when mummy give you milk in bottle you just have to drink from the bottle. no fighting with me and cry for latching, ok. don't start developing all the bad habits hoh.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

first pd visit

brought yu ze for his appointment with pd at kk today. this appointment was schedule when he was born, not sure what is this visit about. pd mention to us that he is a bit small for his age now. she wants to monitor him closely for his growth. at week 8, he only gain 1.3kg from his birth weight. other growth are ok and well except for his weight. pd wants us to feed him every 3 hourly or max 4 hours, don't let him feed on demand. he is drinking 80ml now and sometimes, he can't finished his feed too. is he drinking too little? 

hubby is very stress over it and wants to give him more. i refuse to do it. i don't want to force feed him then to cause him to puke. won't it make things worse. i rather increase the amount slowly for him. since mummy and daddy are both underweight adults, maybe he is just like us, an underweight baby too. to me, as long as all his other development is good and well, its ok for him to be slightly underweight. am i wrong to think this way?

pd also help us to an appointment to see a surgeon 2 weeks later for yu ze's hernia. this has also cause another stress for daddy.

Wednesday 10 September 2008


actually i wrote a blog on to stay or leave last weekend but there is something wrong with the site so it didn't get posted. anyway, now i have decided to leave. 

not long after i quit from my previous company, they had asked me to consider going back again. i rejected their offer then cos i was pregnant. going back means giving up my maternity benefits as i will not work for more than 180 days to entitle to them. so it was a clear cut, no. 

however, they had not stop asking me to consider going back after i delivered. i told my ex-colleague who was talking to me on this issue to give me their terms then i consider. even then, i won't consider going back till next year. i'm not going to forgo my 13th month bonus. thus, will only tender next year so the earliest to go back is in feb 09. to my surprise, they are actually willing to wait for me till then and get a temp staff for the time being. 
i'm not sure if this is a good news to me or not. i'm indeed quite happy that they want me back but at the same time worried that i will disappoint them if i didn't do a good job. the position offer to me is a new thing for me. my ex-boss who i had worked with for 8 years guarantee that i can do the new job well and i don't have to worry at all.
offer given by them
  • near 27% increment from current pay
  • retain my 18 days annual leave instead of starting fresh from 14
  • 6 month probation (as this is a new portfolio for me)
  • other benefits remains
  • free transport in the morning (given by ex-boss on a personal basis, hahah.... this is not counted)

to me from now till next year feb, there are 5 more months to go, anything can happen. making such a decision is indeed not easy. after discussing with darling and weighing the pros and cons, going back seems like the best option now. since i have the intention to tender next year no matter what instead of getting a new job, going into a new environment why not go back to a place where i'm familiar with. with any new company, the pay might not match with what my ex-company offer and i won't have the flexibility of taking leave as and when i need. 
although i'm not sure if i'm making the right decision now but i have already inform them that i will be going back next year. currently, they are working on the letter of offer for me to sign.

Saturday 6 September 2008

yu ze - 1 month

my little baby is 1 month old liao. he doesn't like to sleep alone, wants to have people around him. he is a little alarm clock now, will cry for milk at 3 hourly. he likes to be carried upright like a big baby so that he can kpo the surroundings. he is always looking up at the ceiling at the lights and anythings that has lines always catch his attention.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

end of confinement

finally, today is the end of confinement. surprisingly, i'm not exactly very happy but feel a bit lost. i guess i'm used to having aunty maggie with us. she had been a good help. not only she looks after me and baby well, she even help out with all our housework. 

for the past 28 days, all i need to do is latch baby, feed myself, pump milk and rest. i don't have to do a single thing, i can rest in bed and surf net for the whole day. i'm super free. with her around, i don't have to response to baby's cry and she will do the night feed for baby.

before she go off, she told me if possible to stay away from 'cold' stuff till 40 days. 

now that she had left, i'm all alone to handle baby's needs and wants. i'm really worried if i can do it. lucky that darling is not working this week, he will be around to help out. if not, i really wonder if i can cope.

baby started crying. maybe he knows that aunty maggie had gone back and he miss her too.

Saturday 30 August 2008

small meet up

darling is out to distribute full month cakes to relatives while i stay at home with baby waiting for simin and shai. they can't make it for yu ze's baby shower tomorrow so came earlier. shai is my ex-colleague and she is preparing to move to london with her hubby. thus,, very busy in packing and clearing up her work in singapore. i'm so happy that she still try to squeeze some time out to see me and baby.

simin is actually my friend's friend but had also become my friend. she is the one who recommended her confinement lady (aunty maggie) to me. she brought her daughter amanda to visit me and aunty maggie. so its a little reunion for them.  

Thursday 28 August 2008


this vain pot mummy make an appointment to do rebonding today, preparing for the baby shower on sunday. i also had my first hair wash and bath after 3 weeks + into confinement. other then rebonding, i also wanted to do manicure and pedicure too but no time for that after 5 hours of rebonding. 
the manual pump i brought along failed me, can't pump at all. maybe i didn't set it up correctly. i came back home with engorgement and first thing i do is set up my electric pump and start pumping. i manage to get 160ml from that pump but still have to throw them away. 
being a vain pot, i have to throw away 1 day supply of breast milk (8 pumps = 640ml). so heart pain when i pour them down the sink. i guess there must be some sacrifice for beauty (haha.... buay paiseh). also don't want to risk giving yu ze those breast milk in case any of the chemical do get in (so paranoid). 
when i carry yu ze, i ask if he still remembers me since i'm not the smelly mummy anymore. he just stare at me blankly. hehe....

Thursday 21 August 2008

happy news

after morning feed, i was telling yu ze he needs to have a good rest cos we are going to go see doc in the afternoon. today will be his final review on his jaundice check for his g6pd before they discharge him. he is very guai and actually sleep through till afternoon. 
clinic k at kk is very crowded today, after the blood test we had waited for more than 2 hours before its yu ze's turn. good thing is that he had been sleeping throughout so there isn't any problem for him to wait for so long. his jaundice level is very low and was discharge liao. no need to go back for further review and check. he had put on more weight too, he weighs 3.69kg as at day 15. 
another happy news is that mummy had gone back to her pre-pregnancy size liao. i can fit into my usual clothes liao... yeah!!!! i'm so happy. tummy had gone down a lot to almost flat just very flabby after 7 sessions of massage. i bought a girdle from OIO maternity to wrap up my tummy, hoping to flatten it further. hehe.... 
next step now is to tone up my flabby tummy but how leh?

Tuesday 19 August 2008

smelly 宝贝

darling mention that he got 2 smelly 宝贝 now. one big and one small. big one is the mummy doing confinement who can't bathe, only can dry clean by wiping. small one is his precious son who always poo and fart non-stop. we are the two official 臭人 now. 
good thing is that the mummy will only be 臭人 for a month. after that, i can be 香香 again. as for the small one, i think he will be a 臭人 for quite sometime. 
within this month, will darling join us and become the 3rd 臭人? covered by both of our smelly smell. hahaha.....

Friday 15 August 2008

life is not the same anymore

with the arrival of baby yu ze, life is no longer the same. its no longer me and darling, now its us and baby yu ze. everything evolve around him now. 
darling will call back ask what is his son doing. the first time darling do when he reach home is to greet his precious son. giving him the full attention when he is home. he will rush to him with the slightest sound he makes. everything is yu ze now. 
darling wants to learn everything from our confinement lady. he is also the one who talk and ask most questions. he is going to make sure he learns all the skills from confinement lady before she go back. i'm glad that he wants to be involve in everything of baby. he even suggest to bring baby for massage classes. 
i'm so jealous. i'm no longer his number one. sob sob....

Thursday 14 August 2008

follow up check

we brought yu ze for his jaundice follow up visit at kk. after registering him at the clinic, we brought him to the lab for the blood test. while waiting for our turn, he started crying. i carry him and walk around but still can't stop him from crying, so we decided to feed him. the moment he had his milk, its his turn. he is still happily drinking when we went in. 
once the nurse is ready to poke his foot, i took out the milk bottle from him. he let out a big cry once he is being poke. at the same time, i quickly give him his milk. immediately, he forgets the pain and start drinking away. what a greedy pig. 
we were told to wait for the result before going back to the clinic. the result is out within 10 minutes. with it, we went back to the clinic. his jaundice level is at 85. the doc told us to come back in 1 weeks time for another check and that should be the last one. after which, he will discharge yu ze for this case.
yu ze had actually put on weight within these 9 days. he is now 3.54kg. throughout the journey, he refuse to sleep though he is super tired. the moment we reached home, he just knock off and sleep all the way till 9+pm.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

welcome home

yesterday, darling received a call from kk saying that yu ze can come back liao. yeah!!! finally, we can go and fetch him back. he made appointment to meet up with the doc at 3pm. 
while waiting for darling to come back to fetch me and confinement lady, i start calling people who are concern about yu ze to inform them of the good news. confinement lady also started wiping his cot and lying out the bedsheet to welcome him home. 
we reach kk at around 3pm. the nurse brought yu ze for us to change him while waiting for the doc to come. doc explain to us what is g6pd, what we need to look out for and how to take care of him. there is no cure for g6pd, the cure is to take preventive measures. 
we were given appointment for a follow up check on this jaundice level tomorrow.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

power but lazy pump

i'm having engorgement since day 3, didn't know that it can be so uncomfortable, hard, pain and sore. call up kk lactation consultant for advise. i was advise to pump every 3 hours even baby not with me. i have been doing it diligently but it still doesn't help. its so painful and sore. if i miss the timing, i will be worse. at the same time, i don't wish to increase the duration of each pump as i think it will cause my breast to be more sore and bleed. 
my supply had slowly increase from 20ml to 60 ml now. i so happy with the progress. we have been delivering express breast milk for yu ze everyday. hopefully, what we have send will be enough for him. 
i will latch him whenever i see him, hoping to stimulate more milk. i must say he is a power but lazy pump. he is able to soften my breast after every latch. hahah.... can't wait for him to come back.

Friday 8 August 2008


we went to see baby again at 11am with father in law. we reached at the right time as yu ze is due for next feed. i latch him on to feed. so happy to see him sucking away. though not sure if he is getting any milk or just sucking air. but having him in my arms is a real joy. 
we spent about an hour with him before heading home. was inform by the nurse that yu ze is confirm to by g6pd deficient. we were given some info on it to read. we also told the nurse to get the doc to call us so that we can find out more. baby had develop jaundice but still consider low so no need to go for photo-therapy. they will continue to monitor his jaundice level twice a day. hopefully by next tues, he can be home with us.

Thursday 7 August 2008

home without yu ze

i'm discharge today but home without baby. yu ze is suspected to have g6pd. we were shocked to hear that both of us don't have g6pd or not that we know. they need to keep him in hospital to confirm his g6pd status. i started crying when the pd left after telling us the news.
not knowing exactly what is g6pd, make us very worried. can't help and keep crying. before we left, i latch yu ze on to feed him. at that moment, my tears keep falling. even darling who always put up a brave front when i'm upset can't help tearing too. my mum who was there comfort us and say that its ok. let baby stay back to do observation and checks. he will be well look after by the doc and nurses. 
darling wants to change me to their macdonald's room so that we can continue to stay in hospital to be with baby but the room is book. so we can't stay further but to come home. 
we went to visit baby again at 8pm. we missed him so much, can't wait for him to come back.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

yu ze is here

on 5th aug, i wake up in a sleepy state to pee. in my sleepy state, i thought i saw 'the show' in the toilet bowl. without thinking much i just flush and walk back to my bed to sleep. after a while, then i wake up in a shock. trying to recall what i saw just now. is it really 'the show'. i can't be sure and this make me very uncomfortable. very awake liao, can't get back to sleep. i try to find friends over msn to double check but no one is online so early.

after some time, i went to pee again. and this time i saw some red discharge. i think this is it. it must be 'the show' liao. i check online, after having 'show', how long does it take for me to go into labour. for some, its within the day or up to a week. i decided not to take chance, go and bathe to prepare. i call darling and told him about it. he rushed back and send me to kk.

we admit at the delivery suite around 10+am. strapped on ctg and gynae called. gynae came and check around 11am and say that i'm 1 cm dilated. i can choose to go home or be induced. since its only 1 cm, we decided to go home and let baby decide when he wants to come out.

back home at around 12pm, i cook lunch for myself and continue to chat online and also take some rest. my lower back starts to ache slowly and i didn't think much of it. just continue to chat and rest.

the ache is almost unbearable. my friend told me, i could be having contractions. then i thought, isn't contractions supposed to be pain and not ache? she said she had super backache too when she was 4cm dilated so ask me to monitor.

the ache is getting worse, lying down to rest doesn't help anymore. decided to call darling to bring me to hospital. i need to walk around a bit to ease the ache. darling rush back and i told him to bathe first before we go while i continue to walk round the house.

reached kk and admit back in delivery suite again. the same nurse was surprise to see me. hehehe..... again the was strapped on ctg and gynae called. while on the ctg, the backache is almost unbearable. i have to keep moving and change position. the nurse ask me from 0 - 10, what is the pain level now. i told her about 7 - 8. then she give me a shock look, 7 - 8 and you still don't want pain killer. i say no, can tahan.

gynae came and smile at me. i told him, if i know i won't go home liao. he laughs and say its hard to tell. he had a patient who was 4 cm dilated and didn't deliver till 2 weeks later. he checked me and say i'm 5 cm dilated liao. go straight to delivery ward and prepare to burst water bag.

near 7pm
the ache is so bad that i start tearing while they send me to delivery ward. gynae came and ask if i want to have epidural or go without it. he say i can go without it since i'm already at 5 cm. i told him, i don't want to risk it. what if half way through, i really can't tahan and is not allowed to take liao. then i sure died there. heheh.... so he arrange for epidural for me immediately. within 10 minutes, i was administer with epidural. the effect is so strong. i feel numb from neck down immediately. it feel so good and relaxing. i was put on drip since my last meal is lunch. gynae told me, by statistics i should deliver before midnight but it also depends.

i'm 10 cm dilated liao but was told not to push yet cos baby is still a bit high. ask me to wait for him to come a bit lower then start pushing.

epidural was down to half dose for me to feel contractions. with half dose, i still can't feel anything. so was told to start pushing based on mid wife and nurse's instructions. try pushing but still no use, baby is moving down very slowly.

6 aug, 12am
epidural is cut off completely cos i can't push well with instructions and i'm too numb to feel anything. slowly, i start to feel the aching again after epidural cut off. start pushing again. baby is not in a very good position. a young gynae told me that they need to forcep baby out since i had pushed for an hour already. its not good to keep baby in for long. so i was asked to sign the documents. they started preparing the equipments to forcep baby.
near 1am
gynae came in and ask me to try pushing again. i had darling, my gynae, the young gynae, mid wife and a nurse all round me to help me push. gynae press very hard on my tummy trying to help baby out.

after all the help of pressing, holding and pushing, baby is finally out. darling cut baby's umbilical cord. they put me epidural back on for me. i'm just too tired to feel anything.

i got to breastfeed baby at around 2+am and send up to ward at 4am. baby yu ze is 50 cm tall and weighs 3210g. if he is any bigger, i would have to c-se liao.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

false alarm

this morning, i wake up to pee with my sleepy eyes. when i make my way back to bed then i suddenly wake up and wonder, did i see 'the show' just now? is it really 'the show'? then i thought to myself, its too late to think about it now. maybe, i'm just imagining. i try to go back to sleep. with that question in my mind, how to sleep? so i decided to wake up and cook breakfast for myself.

after breakfast, i try to find out more about 'the show' and steps to take if its really 'the show'. i read from notes from antenatal class and ask my friends. before i have to make my way to hospital, i better take a shower first. 

i don't know why, i started crying when i call darling. he told me to wait at home and is coming back to fetch me. he must be shocked by me. i started packing my nintendo ds, laptop and change while waiting for darling.

we go straight to the delivery suite and i was strapped on to ctg for an hour. gynae was inform and he came to see me and did a check. i'm 1cm dilated but having irregular contractions. we were given the option to wait for baby to come out naturally or induce today. we had choose to wait, so i was send back home.

so now, will it by today, tomorrow, the day after or..... we just have to wait for the grand entrance of baby.

Monday 4 August 2008

11th glucose test

today, i'm doing my 11th round of blood sugar test. i believe this will be last round of test that i'm doing. 
  • before breakfast - 3.6
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.2
  • before lunch - 3.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.2
  • before dinner - 5.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.9

hopefully, no more finger pricking for me after this. don't know why, pricking seems to be very painful today. never mind, its all over liao.

Saturday 2 August 2008

waiting game

as days goes by, the counting down starts, the waiting game starts.... everyday, i will be wondering if its today? 

the panic starts when i'm alone or when i feel a sudden gush of heavy discharge. i start to wonder if it my water bag leaking or just increase in discharge. i keep making trips to toilet to check, monitoring if my mucous plug is out? am i going into labour soon? did i miss out any signs of labour? lots of question starts popping in my mind now. 

oh no, i have press the panic button myself. i need to calm down and get my mind off these. i don't have to worry, baby will sure to give me clear indication when he wants to come out. i must trust myself, baby and my gynae's judgement. smile, be happy and wait for baby's grand entrance soon. calm down and jia you!!!!

Wednesday 30 July 2008

11th gynae visit

maybe this will be my 2nd last visit to gynae liao, i'm at 38 weeks now. there is still no signs of labour. everything is still looking very good. baby is still very active and comfy inside me. on my next visit, gynae wants me to do a ctg to decide what is the next step to do? what is possibility of natural birth or need to induce me. he only allow me to be overdue for 2 - 3 days max due to my gestational diabetes. 

i had requested for hl from tomorrow to 8 aug to rest and wait for labour signs at home. i don't wish to go into labour when i'm in office. i don't think i can handle it if it happens in office. 

baby is 2.9kg now. as long as baby weight don't exceed 3.2kg on ultrasound scan, i can deliver him naturally. i had gain weight again in this short 1 week. i'm now 55.7kg, another 400g more, a total weight gain of 10.5kg. gynae expects me to gain weight so didn't say much about the slight weight gain. i told him about my increase in appetite. he told me to control my intake and eat more fruits or food that is low in carbo. 

baby, when do you want to come out? can you wait till 8 aug?

Tuesday 29 July 2008

durian durian

just now, i had my first durian ever since i got pregnant. i told darling must eat before i deliver. at the same, i'm also worried about it being too sweet no good for my gestation diabetes. since now its the durian season, the durians are better then normal days.

we bought one 'mao shan wang' durian to eat. i took 4 seeds only. i also test my blood sugar after 2 hours. to my surprise, i actually pass (6.4) leh. darling say good loh, which means we can eat more. but i'm not going to eat more liao, i don't want baby to grow too big.  

darling told me he wants more of the durian. he actually crave for it more then i do. i wonder if he is pregnant or me. hahha....

Monday 28 July 2008

10th glucose test

i'm doing my 10th round of blood sugar test. will this be the 2nd last round of test or will it be the last round? 
  • before breakfast - 3.5
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.6
  • before lunch - 5.2
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.1
  • before dinner - 3.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.1
my before lunch result is a bit high though its a pass. it must be the biscuits that i took near 11am. so for lunch, i decide to take yong tau hu without any noodles. my result is back to my usual range liao. hehehe....

Wednesday 23 July 2008

10th gynae visit & 3rd dietician review

i'm back from my dietician review and gynae visit. dietician is happy with my result. she mention that my weight gain is on the low side. with my bmi, i should gain about 12 - 18kg. but as long as baby is of a good weight, i don't have to worry. she give me some info on diet for breast feeding and what to look out for. today will be the last session. no need to see her liao. however, i can still go back to her if i want within 2 years to get the subsidised rate.

with gynae, as usual i have my scan first. my water level is still very good. baby's heartbeat is 135 and he is very comfy inside me. he is head down in right position but not engaged yet. he will most likely be an overdue baby. gynae says that baby is like a teddy bear. 

today, gynae check my blood sugar result too. he is very happy with it. hehee..... he asked darling if i have been a good girl and followed the diet. darling say yes, i have been guai guai. gynae laughs and say good, at least both of us say the same thing. sometimes, when he ask his other patients, the wife will say yes but hubby say no. heheh.....

i ask if i need to go through c-sec since last r he mention that my pelvic bone is small. he told me no need, i have 85% chance of delivering naturally. i told gynae about my wish to have a 080808 baby, he say will aim towards that. if i want, i can also induce then to bring baby out. hahaha.... but when i heard that, i quickly say i don't want cos induce will be very painful. very cha bao hoh.

at 37 weeks, i have gain 10.1kg. baby is 2.84kg now. within 2 weeks, i actually gain 1.1kg and baby gain 500g. don't know what i have eaten to cause a jump in my weight. hmmm......

Tuesday 22 July 2008

massage lady

my usual massage lady told me that she can't make it for my post-natal massage on last sun. she will be going for a day surgery in aug too. after the surgery, she needs to rest for about 2 - 3 weeks. thus, she can't make it for me. unless i want to wait for her and do it later. 

i think its better to do the massage asap after delivery rather wait for a month. so i started sourcing for another massage lady.

lucky, the one that i had try before is still available. i had confirm and book her service. but her charges is much more higher. i guess as long as i get to see result at the end of it, its ok loh. money can always earn back right.

Monday 21 July 2008

9th glucose test

its monday again, another round of blood sugar test for me. 
  • before breakfast - 3.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 3.7
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.4

Thursday 17 July 2008

all ready???

i'm at my 36 weeks now. not sure if i'm ready mentally or physically for baby to arrive. since my last admission due to pre-term contractions, i keep wondering when is baby coming out to see us? whenever, my tummy feels hard, i will wonder if i'm actually having contractions at that moment. darling is very concern whenever he saw my hands on my bump. now his call is no longer if i have taken lunch? what i have eaten? it becomes, how is baby? is he moving? you ok? the same questions again when he comes and fetch me from work.  he is super gan cheong daddy now.

finally, he set up the baby cot last weekend. all baby stuffs had been washed and packed nicely into the little storage boxes from ikea. left with the frame for the storage boxes, darling say he will set up when baby is home cos it involves some knocking. he don't want to do it now. so once the frame is up, we just need to slot the storage boxes in. baby's car seat will be down in darling's car from next week, standby for baby. 

my hospital bag is packed too and sitting in darling's car boot. admission letter and my appointment book is always with me in my bag. darling is on standby mode, he ask me to call him don't sms him if i really need to admit liao. he also told me not to wait for him, just get a cab and go straight and he will meet me at kk direct.

i had also inform and get my ex-boss to standby for me. i told her if i can't get darling in time, she is the next person i will call. so she must be there at kk waiting for me and accompany me. i can't imagine being there alone. she agree immediately and say she will drop everything on hand and see me. i'm so touched by her. thanks.

Monday 14 July 2008

8th glucose test

i'm doing my 8th round of test. 
  • before breakfast - 3.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.3
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.8
i got craving for tibits now. used to can't eat tibits at all but now i can. i try a small pack of potato chips on sat and i manage to finish all without feeling nausea. the feeling is so good. hahaha.... but i must try to control my intake or take them as my tea

Tuesday 8 July 2008

back from review & 2nd dietician review

i'm back from review. everything is under control and good. yeah!!! no need to continue with medication liao, finish what i have will do. water level and placenta are also very good. no more contractions liao. will see gynae in 2 weeks time. he did remind me to go back if i don't feel right or have any signs of labour. 

there is no weight gain for me. dietician insist that i must have my teabreak. even if i'm not hungry at all, must still take a cup of milk. 

baby, you must be guai guai ok. we will see you on 080808, ok? (mummy dreaming..... hhahaha.....)

Monday 7 July 2008

7th glucose test

i fail this morning test again, don't know why i keep failing my after breakfast test. sigh.... maybe i cook too much kuay teow liao. never mind lah, as long as the afternoon test are ok can liao lah. 
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 8.4 (fail, kuay teow soup with pork :()
  • before lunch - 3.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6.7 (economical rice and salmon sashimi, an hour later. haha...)
  • before supper - 4.7
sometimes, i wonder if the machine is spoilt. hahah....

Saturday 5 July 2008

no ctg

i was given an appointment to go for ctg today if baby is not active. we decided not to go since baby has been quite active. either he is used to the medication that i'm on or he don't like to stay in hospital like me. he has been active since we came back on wed. though i not sure if i'm still having contractions but since baby is well, we just leave it loh. 

my next appointment will be coming tues. from now till then if there is anything that i don't feel right then will go back too kk. "touch wood" hopefully, i will not be having any contractions then cos darling can't go with me. i don't want to be admitted without him around. i will sure break down and cry. baby, we must co-operate, ok. don't rush to come out hoh. mummy loves you.

Wednesday 2 July 2008


this morning, gynae came to see me. he said my contractions had died down. do another ctg again to ensure that i got no contractions. as long as no contractions, i can be discharge. i will go back for review next tues. if baby movement is still no good, then i need to go back to do ctg on sat. gynae also explain the possible reason for the contractions could be baby feel threaten. cos my pelvic bone is small, baby might think that if he don't come out now, he will have problem coming out later thus causing the contractions.

was strapped on for ctg at around 9+, results was send for gynae to review after that. i'm so happy when the nurse came to tell me that i can be discharge at around 12. i was given medicine to continue at home to prevent contractions. by 1pm, all paper work is complete. my ex-boss came to fetch me cos darling can't come in time. she send me back and walk me up. she really dotes me and really appreciate her. 

yeah!!!!!!! its so good to be home again. i think baby is happy to be home too. he starts to be active again when we were on our way home unlike when we were in hospital.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

pre-term contractions

i was admitted to kk due to pre-term contraction. till now, i still don't know what is contractions. i have no idea how it feels at all.

we came to kk not cos of contractions. yesterday, baby doesn't seems to be as active as before. move a bit in the morning during the short meeting, then quiet down for the whole afternoon. i didn't think much about it then. it was after work, i decided to disturb baby when i reach home. just to make sure, baby is ok and will give me some response in terms of movement. lucky on the way home, he started to kick slowly but still very little. well, at least he does kick which means i can be more 放心. 

regardless of that minimun movement, i still try to disturb him when i'm resting at home. there isn't much increase of movement to his usual self. then i started to worry again. he is the most active in the night but why not today. i told darling about it and we were debating at home if we should go to kk 24 hour clinic to have a check on him. finally, we decided to leave for kk near 11pm on 30 june. 

upon reaching kk, before the door of 24 hour clinic, we saw my gynae. he was shocked to see us and ask what happen. after telling him that i feel decrease in baby's movement, he brought us up to the delivery suite instead. he told us we make the right move to come in to check but went to the wrong place. we should go straight to delivery suite instead of the 24 hour clinic. 

so at the delivery suite, i was strapped to the ctg machine to monitor baby's heartbeat. after 30 - 45 mins, gynae came and told me a shocking news. i actually had contractions at every 11 minutes interval. i go huh? contractions??? but i didn't feel any pain or discomfort at all. he give me a check and say that i'm still closed but he wants to admit me to monitor and also stop the contractions. he doesn't want baby to come out so soon. he says it better to hold baby in for at least another week before delivering, it will be better if i can hold longer. 

admitted at 12am on 1 july and was send to room 24 at the delivery suite. strapped to ctg machine to continue with the monitoring. at the same time, i was given medication to try stopping the contractions. i was also given injection to strengthen baby's lungs. the injection on the tight is super painful. i was very stupid in the beginning, ctg machine is very noisy due the sound produced showing baby's heartbeat. i didn't know that i can request for that sound to be off. its up to 3am when the nurse comes in and ask me to rest. i told her i can't due to the sound. then she told me, oh its easy and she off the sound for me. phew!!!! it was only then that darling and myself can have some peace and rest a while. 

cos i was strapped to ctg machine, i can't really move. so i was not in my usual sleeping position that causes me having very bad backache. then in the morning, gynae came and told me that i had contractions every 3 mins. just as he was talking to me, i'm having another contractions. he asked if i feel anything, my answer is still no. he also told me that my pelvic bone is small so might have to do c-sec but will still monitor and see how. heheheh..... throughout the stay, nurses keep coming and ask if i'm feeling pain but my answer is always a no. i told darling, i need to up a 'i'm not in pain' sign at the bed to show the nurse. so that they won't wake me up asking the same question every time. 

i was send to do a scan on the baby and also cervix check. we got another surprise at the adc, baby is now 2.5kg at 34 weeks. that is a increase of 700g from 2 weeks ago. we didn't expect to have such a big jump on baby's weight. well, i guess its good. if baby really decided to come out early, his weight is still quite ok. 

finally, my contractions is irregular by around 1pm. then i was allowed to be transfer to the normal ward. due to this last min and unexpected admission, we had downgrade to class b2+ from my a1. with b2+, it means darling can't stay with me. well, i never thought i will be so affected by the fact that he can't stay. in the late afternoon, he told me he is going back first to pick up the laptop for me so that i won't be bored. before he can go, my tears start rolling down. its not that i'm in pain or anything. i just don't want to be left alone.

i know he will want to stay if he can but we better be careful with our expenses. we don't know if i will really go into labour anytime soon, and once baby is born, does he need to stay in icu, how long do i need to be hospitalised. we definitely can't afford to stay in a1 ward for long. really can't imagine what will be the bill be if we stay in a1. 

darling left and came back with the laptop for me. darling left home at around 10pm+ which is long after visiting hours. again this time, tears started rolling down but darling didn't see it. now then i know how baby i am. i'm still so not used to not having him with me by my side when i sleep. sigh...... 

hopefully, my gynae will come and give me good news and let me go back home to rest. with this, not sure if i will be order to bed rest when i go home.

Monday 30 June 2008

6th glucose test

i'm doing my 6th round of test today. although i'm allow to cut down my testing to 4 times this round but i decided to do my full round. as i had a bad start today, i fail my first testing. 
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 8 (fail, kuay teow wanton soup and milk)
  • before lunch - 4.4
  • 2 hours after lunch - 6
  • before dinner - 4.1
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.3
  • before supper - 4.7
i think my body system is really starting to slow down. looking at my results, my body is not breaking down my food as fast as last month liao. since my appetite is getting smaller, maybe i can further cut down on my intake of carbo.

Thursday 26 June 2008

cutting down on frequency

yeah!!!! i got permission from dietician to cut down my blood glucose test frequency from 7 times a day to 4 times a day. now i only need to test 2 hours after breakfast, lunch, dinner and before supper. with this, i don't need to spend more money buying the test strips and lancets liao. together with what danadele had given me and my own, they will be able to last me till edd. 

dietitian also mention that i must test before meals if my tea breaks are not what i usually have. so as long as i eat what i usually does, then no need to do extra test. then my poor fingers won't have to suffer so much pricking liao.

Monday 23 June 2008

5th glucose test

i'm doing my 5th round of test today. 
  • before breakfast - 4.7
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.9
  • before lunch - 4.1
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.8
  • before dinner - 4.2
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6.2 (same as 2 weeks ago)
  • before supper - 4.3

the first result is the higher than my usual result although its within range. i think most likely due to the buffet i had on sat night. together with all the sinful stuff like chocolate cakes, cheesecakes, ice cream, soft drinks and yakult. yesterday night, i also had my yakult after dinner. 

my 2 hours after dinner is the same as last week, i had the same dish then too. i guess the main culprit is the chili kangkong. 

i'm still suffering from constipation. nothing seems to help.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

9th gynae visit & 1st dietician review

today, i had appointment with dietician and gynae. went to see dietician first, had a discussion with her on my diet for these few weeks. i also had my weight taken. i didn’t put on weight but lost 500g. now, she wants me to eat a bit more to put on some weight. i was like huh!!! you want me to control my diet to control weight and now ask me to put on weight. how? i was told to add a cup of milk for morning tea and a slice of bread for afternoon tea. i complaint about constipation ever since i started on this new diet. she says if i want to take orange juice, i can but i must take blood sugar test after that to make sure that the orange juice is not causing my blood sugar level to increase. if its within my usual range, then its fine. if really need to, she prefer me to take apple or prune juice instead. i will go back to see her again when i next go for my gynae visit in 4 weeks time. 

as usual, my gynae check is a fast one. baby is growing well. water level and placenta is good too. baby is head down liao. gynae is very pleased with my progress. he says that i feed baby well. he says elephant give birth to elephant, mouse give birth to mouse. taking into consideration that i’m a small size mummy, baby is like a little hippo in me. baby will easily hit 3kg at full term. therefore, he told us not to worry even though i lost weight.

this is baby
baby is 1.7kg at 32 weeks. i had a total weight gain of 8. 5kg to date. considering baby weight gain of baby 600g since last visit and my lost of 500g, does that means that i have lost 1.1kg actually. hehehe….. which means i have less to shed after birth. yeah!!!! 

we had make our first payment for room today too. we had opt for class a now. but we can choose to downgrade later as long as we do it before admission. in case of complications, they will also advise us to downgrade to either b2 or c and not keeping us in class a. i think this is important and good. 

the next visit is still in 4 weeks time. its another long wait. i thought our visit should be 2 weeks now. never mind, at least save money loh. in our next visit, need to discuss on pain relief and labour liao. we were given some brochure to come back and read up.