Friday 31 December 2010

brother's love

whenever we are out and yu xi cries in the car. i will ignore her.
yu ze: mei mei cry, mei mei neng neng (milk)
me: yu ze, mei mei don't want neng neng
yu xi continues to cry. 
yu ze: mei mei, tu tu. 
i have no choice but to pass yu xi her tutu and she stops. little thing that yu ze do to show his love for mei mei.

Saturday 3 July 2010

flash cards

yu ze caught me by surprise with his recognising skills today. as usual, fil came over to see his grandchildren. suddenly, darling bring out a stack of baby einstein flash cards bought by sil. these flash cards had been sitting on the rack of yu ze's bookshelves for the longest time. once in a while, yu ze will take them out to 'throw'. darling show yu ze the cards and he is able to recognise the animals on it and name them loh. he really caught me by surprise cos i never knew he can do that.

i think darling had put in effort in teaching yu ze all that. every night when he put yu ze to bed, they will either be 'reading' (flipping) story book or naming things. naming things by pointing at it and tell yu ze what they are. sometimes, yu ze will repeat with him. more common ones, yu ze will name them like car, call, truck, etc.

well done my baobei. hopefully, you can recognise more of the other things from other stacks of flash cards soon.

Thursday 1 July 2010

clear liao

i went back for review for my hfmd and finally got clearance from gp liao. i'm certify fit to go back to work tomorrow. yeah!!! after getting my clearance letter, i went home and make appointment to go for my long awaited facial.

thought i can spend the day shopping but no leh. no time for shopping at all. my appointment for facial is at 11am. after my 2 hours of facial, i went to posb to get my replacement atm card, had lunch at mos burger. then to toa payoh to post things and also had my eye check and bought contact lens. that is all i manage to do and had to go home to cook and wait for yu ze to come home.

i need time to go shopping. i want to buy shoes.....

Wednesday 30 June 2010

yu xi's jab

yu xi had an appointment at kk yesterday. since i lost my wallet, i'm only left with $10 in my pocket. i search the house and manage to find another $5. so in total, i had $15 to take cab to kk and darling will meet us there so i don't have to worry about paying the consultation fees and jab cost.

yu xi weighs 4.68kg and 57cm tall at 11 weeks. she is at the 50 percentile. we think she is going to be taller then yu ze. yu ze was only 59.5cm tall when he was 4 months old. she had her first 6 in1 and rotavirus. everyone still mistaken her as a 'he' with her hairstyle.

mummy must diligently put hair band for her whenever we go out liao.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

suay... me or robber?

i don't know if i should consider today a suay day or not a so suay day. anyway, i brought yu xi along with me to see gp to get clearance for my hfmd. after that, we went to market to buy some food to cook for myself. my pouch was stolen and i didn't know till i want to take out some coins to buy chrysanthemum tea at ztp. i was shocked to find out my pouch (my wallet is inside) is missing cos i hang it on my stroller together with the diaper pouch. the diaper pouch is still there except my pouch. i walked back to market hoping to find it though i know there is no hope. nevertheless, i still make my way back to the market. well, as expected couldn't find it.

then i decide to walk to the neighbourhood police post to make a report before heading home. i got another shock. the neighbourhood police post only operates from 12 noon. i got no choice but to go home first.

usually i will put my home keys is inside the pouch but today i choose to put it inside the diaper pouch. i took out all the cash from my wallet and put in my pocket after breakfast before heading to market, thinking its easier for me to pay money when i make purchases later. hp is all along in my pocket. so maybe i should consider myself lucky since i still have my hp and house keys with me. if not, i won't be able to go home liao. my lost is not very big too since there is no money except some coins inside my wallet.

first thing i do when i reach home is to call ocbc and posb to report on my lost cards. darling told me my ic is actually with him and not inside my wallet. that save me the trouble of having my ic replace and the replacement charges.

so from this incident, who is more suay. me or that robber?

Saturday 26 June 2010

hfmd confirmed

its confirmed. i really got hfmd. i found more spots coming out on my soles and there is 1 ulcer on my tongue. i went to another gp to check. its confirm and was given mc for monday and tuesday. he say i might have already gotten it on tues when i had fever. therefore by tues, i should be able to clear.
there is no need for me to be separated from my babies as they had been expose to hfmd liao. no point separating them from me. since its confirm, i have been feeding yu xi fresh breast milk instead of frozen breast milk. want her to have the antibodies for hfmd. maybe cos she had been taking fresh breast milk since she was admitted, she is safe from hfmd though i have been in close contact with her. will let her continue to have fresh breast milk till i cleared off hfmd.

Friday 25 June 2010


my fingers had little red spots on them. it does feel painful whenever i close my hand or try to screw the bottle cap. it make me wonder if i'm having hfmd cos my colleague's girl confirm her hfmd on wed.

however, other then those spots there is nothing else to prove that i'm having hfmd. i went to gp to check but he clear me and say its not. give a cream to apply and a day mc to rest at home. he told me to go back if there are more signs of hfmd such as ulcer in my mouth. hmmmm..... are they really hfmd signs?

Thursday 24 June 2010


yeah!!! we can go home liao. yu xi is able to be discharge today. she cleared her blood and urine test. her fever also didn't come back since she is in the ward. since she is well we are told that we can be go home by 1pm. so happy that we can go back cos i missed yu ze. had not see him for 2 days since i stay in with yu xi.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


darling works late today and so babysitter send yu xi back to me instead we go and fetch her. yu xi came back at 730pm and i quickly put her to bed. 8pm, its yu ze's turn to sleep. as i'm not feeling well, i let yu ze sleep with me in my room. so that i can rest while he toss and turn before falling asleep by 9pm. i fall asleep with yu ze while putting him to bed. i woke up at 10pm to pump and also feed yu xi.

after feeding her, i felt that she is quite warm. as i'm having fever i thought i'm just imaginating. i took her temperature twice and both reflected as 37.9. i sms darling to inform him that yu xi is having a fever. while waiting for him to come back, i quickly pack my bag and also pasted the cool pad on her head.

darling called my sil to send us to kk while he stay at home with yu ze. yu xi's temperature went up to 38.6 when we were at kk. she was seen by a doc almost immediately and was told to admit her since she is below 3 months old. its better to admit her to monitor what causes the fever.

i stayed in with her. her fever came down when we were in the ward. it never return since then. they took her blood and urine sample to test.

Saturday 19 June 2010


yu ze with his shopping bag
yu ze joining in the great singapore sale (gss). we were out shopping at compasspoint cos yu ze nap till 4pm and we didn't want to travel too far. yu ze loves gai gai. he will browse through the racks of clothes like an adult. anything he like he will point at it and then point to himself meaning buy for him. of course, we don't buy whatever he request. if i'm buying clothes for him, i will show him 2 pcs and let him choose what he likes.

he wants to take the item to the cashier and give it to the staff for payment. then he will want to carry his own shopping bag. even if the item is not for him, he too will want to carry the bag.

Friday 18 June 2010

father's day gift

yu ze came back home with his father's day gift today. i was working late so didn't get to see so no photo of it. all i saw was an empty plastic container with the cupcake wrapper inside. i still scold darling for not throwing that container away and leave it lying around. it was then i know that container was actually a father's day gift. according to darling, it was a little cupcake inside a small plastic container. on top of that container was a heart shape thing with happy father's day wordings.

however, darling didn't get to eat that little cupcake. yu ze came back and show darling that the cupcake. he said to darling, 'o-pen'. once darling open up the container, yu ze quickly took the cupcake and happily eating away. though it was meant as a father's day gift, it ended up inside yu ze's tummy. hahaha.....

darling say that cupcake wouldn't be made by yu ze. it should be the works of his teachers. i told him yu ze will sure have some share in the making. be it helping to put the ingredients or stirring them together or even putting it in the container. any small part is better than nothing. he should be happy with it. afterall, its his first father's day gift from yu ze.

Monday 14 June 2010

back from maternity leave

i'm back at work today. didn't take the full 16 weeks of maternity leave at one go. will clear them slowly till the end of the year.

as usual, first day back at work feeling very lost. don't know what's happening and where should i start. i brought my pump along and will leave it in office. no more transporting my pump around, i just need to bring my cooler bag and pump parts daily.

hopefully, i can get back to the working momentum asap. everyone in the office was commenting on how come i can get back to shape so fast. :P

Tuesday 8 June 2010

parent teacher meeting

yu ze had another round of parent teacher meeting today. this time, its a one to one session with his teachers. his teacher also show us his portfolio.

his teacher commented that he is territorial which also means he is very niao lah. he doesn't like his friends to cross his area. he is also very playful. he likes to disturb his friends by snatching a piece of their puzzle away and see their reactions. in doing this, he is hoping that they will come and catch him but he don't understand that his friends doesn't like it.

he likes art and craft but not colouring. his favourite is definitely outdoor time. he being very adventurous, he will wander off to the bigger playground instead of staying at their own playground when the teachers are not looking. his teachers will always have to keep an eye on him to prevent him from wandering off. hahaha....

in the beginning, he is like in his own world don't know what is going on in class and doesn't know how to join. so he will be moving around in class while the rest are listening to story. now, he will join the class in their activities. of course, his speech had pick up a lot too. we are able to understand what he wants more. very pleased with his progress. :)

Friday 4 June 2010


i had a whole day training from 9-5.30pm so yu xi was at home with hubby. as usual, we send yu ze to cc before hubby send me to course. since yu xi is under his care, i didn't pack her bag (diaper, fm) in the morning loh. i only pack my breast pump, yu ze's bag and off we go. after dropping yu ze, hubby say yu xi cry cos she wants milk and ask why i didn't bring her bag. i buay song liao, told him off. since she is under his care for the day, he is responsible to pack her bag not me. i wouldn't know his plan for the day and how much to pack. so we went home to get her bag but my girl hoh, not hungry lah. she just sleep all the way loh. so going home is a wasted trip. then he send me for course and make it just in time. got my colleague to buy me breakfast and drink to eat during course as i'm super hungry loh.

i planned to stay out late and be home after 8pm, let hubby handle the 2 babies. want hubby to know its not easy to handle 2 babies alone and don't think i super relax at home. however, the course ended by 3pm. so i got more time for shopping. in the end, i still reach home around 620pm as its heavy to carry my breast pump and walk around.

i saw that yu ze had bathe when i reach home, thinking that he had dinner liao. no loh, no dinner at all. i ask why no dinner, why didn't tabao? he say he can't bring 2 out to buy. he can't carry yu ze and push stroller with yu xi at the same time. stupid loh. why i can do that and he can't? i'm stronger than him meh? since i'm back, he wants to bring yu ze down to buy dinner but yu ze want me to go. end up all 4 of us went out to eat dinner. i think hormones play a part too, i start tearing as i walk out of the house.

after dinner, i just stay in room to pump for the longest time. i'm so engorge cos last pump was about 7/8 hours ago. i leave him to make the 2 babies sleep. yu xi cry in the room and yu ze is still walking around at 815pm. finally he decides to make milk for yu ze and get him to sleep. so i just pretend to continue pumping loh that's why can't help mah. he just walk in and out of yu xi and yu ze's room. into yu xi's room whenever she cry cos pacifier drop. in this way, he can never get yu ze to sleep. so yu ze continue to walk around and finally fuss cos hubby keep going to yu xi.

yu ze say he wants something that darling don't understand, so he become cranky. i have to stop pretending and handle yu ze. actually, i also don't know what he say but best thing to do when he is like that is to carry him then he will stop. i carry him for a while then put him in bed to read books, drink milk and sleep by 9pm. darling continue to stay with yu xi.

why can't he handle the 2 of them for a few hours? if he can't handle, what makes him think that i can? i'm not a super mummy leh.

Thursday 6 May 2010

mother's day gift

a surprise came through our post box. its was a mother's day card 'send' by yu ze. this is my very first mother's day present from him and 'hand made' by him too. i'm so happy to see it till i nearly tear. its 'hand made' by him cos the 2 little hands on the card are his. i'm sure his teacher did help him in getting this card ready and post it out to me. but who cares if the teacher did everything and my little bao bei only contributed his 2 little hand prints.
or maybe he did help by selecting those stickers on them and paste it around. from the stickers, you can tell its all his favourite, cars, aeroplane but he didn't forget to put down one hello kitty sticker for mummy too. heheheh.....

yu ze, you did a very good job. mummy loves you.

i think its a very nice surprise that the school had helped the child to give their mummies. not sure if this is a yearly affair done by the school but its definitely a big surprise for mummies like me whose child just started school. this nice gesture also involve time, effort and money. to get the child prepare the card in advance, cost for the envelops and stamps and effort to post it out in time so that it doesn't reach us too early nor too late.

Saturday 1 May 2010

freestyle vs avent

my personal view on the 2 breast pump that i have.
freestyle vs avent duo

1. freestyle more parts to wash and sterilise

2. freestyle must sit straight to pump. avent, i don't really have to sit straight and don't have to worry about bm leak out from funnel.

3. freestyle can't surf net while pumping cos must use hand to hold on to bottles unless use handsfree thingy. avent, i can use my thigh to hold the bottles while pumping and surf net without any handsfree thingy.

4. freestyle can't express out bm efficiently like avent

5. freestyle's motor is lighter. avent motor is more strong and heavier
if i have to describe the usage of both pump, avent is like a broadband surfing while freestyle is dial-up surfing. therefore, avent is the winner here.

Saturday 24 April 2010

over $100 worth of accessories

i guess having a girl will really make me broke. there are just too many nice and cute things that we can buy for a girl to doll her up. this mad mummy had just spend over $100 on hair accessories for her little girl. not that i purposely want to spend so much. i just keep choosing and end up the final bill came up to be so much. i got her 4 bands, 10 clips and 3 clips for myself.

can imagine myself spending more in future. more hair accessories, bags, shoes and clothing to come.

Friday 23 April 2010

weight lost

2 days ago, i blog about getting back in shape to fit into my jeans. today, i weigh myself at kk and to know that i have lost all the weight i gain. another happy news. yeah!!!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

pre-pregnancy jeans

its 11 days after the delivery of yu xi. i manage to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans liao. this time round is so much faster, so happy. should i credit to the massage or my breastfeeding?  

Saturday 10 April 2010

yu xi has arrived

today, i felt so different. couldn't walk long, can feel baby pressing down hard, must support tummy to walk if not its can be quite painful. even with supporting tummy, pain does comes in on and off. don't know if its any sign or not. but i don't want baby to come out so soon. hoping to tong longer then i can be in office for the audit that we had work so hard for. don't wish to miss it. hahaha.... a bit siao right.

i'm resting in bed after breakfast. i managed to go out to get my camera in the afternoon. after that, i got myself a coconut to drink then start to call babysitter to find out where she is cos i need to leave yu ze with her. i told her to call me when she reached home so that i can 'throw' yu ze to her. we went home to wait for her call while i rest. 
i also cook a hard boiled egg for myself to eat. my cousin who had just delivered told me that her colleague teach her this. peel a hard boiled egg and eat yourself before delivery will help to have a smooth and fast delivery just like how a hen popped eggs. hehehe..... anyway, no harm trying right so i did it too.

first photo
send yu ze off to babysitter's place around 3+ before we head down to kk. on the way, i peel and ate the hard boiled egg. once i reach kk, got into observation and put on CTG around 415pm . by then i was having my backache which is my contractions. with the backache, i can't really stay still to be monitor by the machine. i think by 430-445pm or so i have been turning and tossing around to ease the ache couldn't really capture anything on the machine liao. the nurse came to help me adjust but i told her i can't stay still due to the ache. she did a check and say that i'm already 5cm. she quickly prepare and push me to delivery suite. i told her i want my epidural immediately.

while being in the delivery suite, contractions come in very fast and frequent that i was tearing. the nurse and midwife were busy trying to put me on drip for antibiotic, got another gynae to give me the dosage required while waiting for my gynae to come back from the ang mo kio clinic. while all these running in and out, i'm also trying to manage the contractions (my backache). finally my gynae came and check, he say i'm ready to deliver no time for epidural. break my waterbag and got me ready to deliver anytime.

i was in pain that i could not really follow what they are telling me but somehow i manage to deliver yu xi near 6pm. i started to inform people on her arrival in the delivery suite at 620pm. yu xi's arrival is too fast for people to react in delivery suite and me. i also had my first delivery without epidural.

Friday 2 April 2010

easter bunny

yu ze came back from school with his very own easter bunny basket. there are little chocolate eggs in them too. i'm sure his teacher did help him to put the bunny together. seriously doubt he can be so guai and not destroying any before this. :p

Thursday 1 April 2010

5th glucose test

the 5th round of test.
results of the day
  • before breakfast - 4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.5
  • before lunch - 3.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.7
  • before dinner - 3.6
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.9
  • bedtime - 4.6

Tuesday 30 March 2010

9th gynae visit

don't know if this is the 36/37 weeks today. went to see gynae for my routine check. baby is head down and in right position liao but don't know if engaged already or not. ask gynae what is on my right side cos i always feel the kick/movement there. he say its her legs. she is 2.6kg today comparing with yu ze, she is slightly lighter by 200g. i gained 1kg within a month, a total weight gain of 5.7kg to date. 

next visit is 2 weeks later, by then i will request for hl to stay at home to rest liao. gynae ask if i still remember when to admit myself? i laughed and told him, don't really leh. cos i was forced to admit by my colleague when i had yu ze. i was experiencing backache then and still msning my colleagues. if she didn't threaten to come and send me to hospital, i would still be home msning. hahaha.... gynae commented that so msning is better then epidural cos i got admitted at 5cm dilated. :p

anyway, he went through the 3 signs with me again and give me a brochure on it. i ask if i will delivered early, he say why not. just keep a look out on the signs and not to think too much. so i guess the waiting game start anytime now. but i do hppe that she don't come out so early cos i want her to be a taurus. then we will have 2 female taurus and 2 male leo at home. :)

Thursday 25 March 2010

4th glucose test

the 4th round of test.
results of the day
  • before breakfast - 3.9
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.5
  • before lunch - 2.4
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.9
  • before dinner - 4.6
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.1
  • bedtime - 4.6 
i was pretty shocked to see my before lunch result to be so low.

Sunday 21 March 2010

maternity photoshoot

i have finally took my maternity photoshoot. i had wanted to do it since i was preggy with yu ze. however, didn't get to do it cos darling disagree to it and i feel that its not so nice if all the shoots were just me instead of us. so i give up the idea then and tell myself i can always do it again next time. 

for this pregnancy, preparation work had been real real slow. i only started to look out for ps packages not long ago. had make some enquiries but never confirm due to pricing. then i saw a promotion by in forum on wednesday, its looks very attractive. again i email them to make some enquiries but this time, i really act fast on it and confirm everything within 2 days. 

i keep quiet about this whole ps arrangement. it was on fri then inform darling that we are going for ps today. darling again give me a disapproving look and commented that i very hiao, why must take maternity shots. don't wish to argue or fight with him, i simply told him this, if you don't want to take then don't go with me. i will still go ahead and take it. his reply was he also want to take. :P 

why must show tummy?
i started preparing and packed our bag for today's ps. though the package is an hour shoot but we took slightly more than an hour. i would say this is a very different ps from the rest that i have taken so far. i believe the numbers of photo taken this round is also the least among the rest. as i need to really pose for the shots and the photographer is busy testing the lighting, flash lights. there are also some daring shots that i never thought that i would do it. 

the photographer locks ourselves up in the studio so nobody can come in to see what's going on. it does help me to feel more relax to take certain shots. yu ze had also been quite a good boy. though he does run around a bit in the studio but in general he didn't disrupt the whole shooting. saw some of the photos from the camera after the ps, looks quite ok. now is waiting for her to do some editing and send them off to me. 

Friday 19 March 2010

parent teacher meeting

i was surprised to see a letter on monday in yu ze's communication book stating that there is an upcoming parent-teacher meeting session today. of course, we replied indicating that we will be there. very curious what to expect from this kind of session when he is so young. what is there to meet and say about?

today, i took half day to attend yu ze's very first parent-teacher meeting. before that, we make a trip to expo baby fair but end up buying tops and bottoms for yu ze again and nothing for baby. hahahah....

the parent-teacher meeting session is held in the canteen. before we head down to canteen, we went to his class to fetch him first. he was sitting with the class watching tv when we reach. he saw us opening the door and run to me happily. then start to say bye bye to his friends and teachers. we went to the canteen, light snack and drinks are prepared for us. parents are just sitting around relaxing talking to their own teacher. its a very relaxing session.

his teacher saw us and came forward to update us on his development in school. she commented that yu ze is starting to show his true colour. hahahaha..... no longer shy shy, likes to 'talk' a lot and even boss his older friends. will shake his head to indicate don't want lesson time. keep saying playground telling them he wants to go playground. playground is also his favourite word now and one of those the teacher understand him. he likes talking to his older friends and seems like they are able to understand him too. don't know how? but i guess between kids, they are able to. 

one of his classmate take a private bus home which comes 10 mins earlier than yu ze's. so once he saw that his friend left with the bus, its almost time for him to go home too. he will then keep looking out for the bus auntie through the window, pointing at the door and try to hear for her footsteps. once he saw the auntie, he will start running to the door liao.

in almost a month in cc, my boy actually get 'complaint' from teacher. hahaha.....

we do realise that yu ze is more 'talkative' now compare to last time. he seems to be sharing with us what happen in school daily in his baby language that we don't understand. sometimes, he also sound like he is singing. now he is able to say bye bye and now just waving his hands only. he loves to say bye bye to many things which includes cats, dogs, bird, mrt, bus, cars even little ants crawling on the floor. he will go there there, then wave and say bye bye to them. hehehe....

i believe he is definitely learning more things in cc then being at home or with babysitter. though my babysitter is really very good, cc is also a good place for him to learn to be mixed around with others, share things with others.

Thursday 18 March 2010

3rd glucose test

i did my 3rd round of test and it was the first time some of my colleagues saw me doing the test. one of them said that only i'm so guai to listen to gynae and dietician to do this test. i'm torturing myself with all the finger pricks. i told her its for both me and baby's health. anyway, doing it once a week is not very much and better than doing insulin injections. this is already consider small case.

she still insist that i'm torturing myself. there is nothing with high sugar level cos she also had very high sugar level when she is preggy with her son. her son is very big at birth too and nothing wrong. so why bother to monitor loh. she thinks that my gynae is cheating me into doing this. don't know how to make her understand, so i just keep quiet.

to me, i rather suffered a bit now also don't want to put myself and baby's health at risk. i'm already starting this late compared to yu ze's time liao.

results of the day
  • before breakfast - 4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.8
  • before lunch - 3.5
  • 2 hours after lunch - 6.3
  • before dinner - 4.4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.1
  • bedtime - 3.2

Thursday 11 March 2010

2nd glucose test

my 2nd round of glucose monitoring.
results of the day:
  • before breakfast - 4.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.2
  • before lunch - 3.9
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.6
  • before dinner - 3.7
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6
  • bedtime - 5.9

Thursday 4 March 2010

1st glucose test

i did my first round of glucose monitoring for this pregnancy. results seems to be too good to be true. anyway, just hope that it will stay this way bah. recapped on the results range:
before food: 3.5 -5.5
2 hours after food: 5.5 - 7
  • before breakfast - 3.6
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.1
  • before lunch - 3.9
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.9
  • before dinner - 5.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.3
  • bedtime - 3.9 
i will need to do this once a week till i delivered. not really complaining cos i already started late for this testing liao.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

8th gynae visit

as usual, send yu ze off to take his school bus and headed to have my breakfast instead of going to work. going to see baby in the afternoon.

arrange to meet up with my colleague to pick up 8 more sets of uniform for yu ze. cos we don't wash our clothes daily, end up he doesn't have enough uniform. i actually had to hand wash on certain night and get it dry by next day for him. anyway, i didn't know the bus journey to yu ze's cc is only 15 minutes. thus, i was there super early. it was supposed to be their nap time so i thought i'm safe to go peep at him and at the same time get some updates from the teacher. i was wrong leh, he just happen to wake up and change diaper cos he just pooed. therefore, he caught me and want me to carry then say bye bye to his teacher liao. so i sign him out and bring him to the office and wait for darling to come fetch us to see baby.

at kk, i didn't have to wait long before my turn. the nurse called me while i'm still doing my routine test. baby is now 1.8 - 1.9kg at 32 weeks, almost the same weight as yu ze (1.7kg). mummy is only 50.7kg. gynae notice that my baby are all growing well and big inside me but once out, they grow and don't put on weight. he say if i continue this way, baby should be around 3.2kg. he also ask me not to eat too much which i don't leh.

anyway, he told me to get the glucose monitoring machine from pharmacy and start my monitoring from this week. so after my appointment with him, i headed down to pharmacy and loan out the machine. will start my weekly test from this week onwards.

Saturday 27 February 2010

history repeat (partially)

i didn't get to start the day in a good way. first thing i did is vomitted yesterday lunch even before i manage to brush my teeth. since then i hardly take anything, i just try to drink some hot milo. totally, no appetite at all.

darling needs to go out, leaving me and yu ze home alone. as i'm feeling so tired where got energy to entertain my active yu ze. so i told him, mummy is very tired; yu ze is a good boy; you play yourself and mummy rest, ok? not sure if he really understand what i mean though. i on tv for him, let his thomas the train runs on the track while i rest in bed. he really didn't disturb me while i rest. he will run to see me occasionally. though i can't see him in person but i do hear that he is playing on his own. when there is total silence then i will get up to see him. each time, i did that he was standing near the sofa watching tv. i was very pleased with him.

darling came back at 11+, told him to bring yu ze to buy lunch while i sleep. they came back with lunch, darling feed and bathe yu ze then put him to sleep while i continue to sleep. only wake up for another cup of milo then sleep again. at around 4pm, when yu ze is up, darling insist that i see a doc.

i change and headed down to kk for check. cos i'm already at 32 weeks+, was send straight up to delivery suite. told darling to bring yu ze go walk walk as i will take some time with the ctg machine. was strapped on ctg for nearly an hour, doc came and told me that i'm having contractions at 3 minutes apart. they want me to admit to monitor further. if really going into labour then need a jab to strengthen baby's lungs cos baby is too small.

once told that i need to admit, sms darling to get babysitter to come fetch yu ze and look after him for the night. she came over quickly and brought yu ze back with her.

the same thing happened when i was expecting yu ze. its also at 32 weeks. yu ze then was lack of movement. contractions now could be cause by my vomiting and 'lao sai' once. was only given medicine to stop contractions. everything is stabilise and send back to normal ward at near 11pm.

Friday 19 February 2010

3rd day of school

it will be my last day sending yu ze to school by school bus. he is going to go home himself today. i drop him off in class and leave immediately without any delay. as expected, he cry te moment he was pass over to the teacher.

i walk out after saying bye bye and headed down to serangoon office. plan to go back to see him after we finish our submission, then have my lunch and go for a hair cut. things doesn't go as my plan. only manage to do my submission by lunch time. thus, i headed straight down to town to have my lunch. went over to kimage but cecilia is on leave. didn't get to cut my hair but make appointment for next tues.

went home to rest and wait for yu ze to come back from school. i went downstairs to wait for him at 530pm. bus came at 540pm which is very accurate, time given to me by bus driver. i'm so glad to see a happy yu ze. the bus auntie say he never cry at all and can recognise the way home when he is reaching.

3 days had passed by just like that. the actual challenge will come on mon when yu ze is going to school alone. no more mummy following him. really wonder how it will be.

Thursday 18 February 2010

2nd day of school

after yesterday's experience, i decide to drop yu ze and go off for my breakfast. he is going to stay whole day instead of half. same thing, i took school bus with him this morning. he was very happy to see the bus coming and happily walking towards it. i guess he is happy now cos i still go with him. not sure if he will be like that next week when he needs to go on his own.

instead of going straight into class, we went over to playground side to look for simin. she had brought along some carrots for amanda and yu ze to feed the rabbits before going into class. both of them had fun feeding the rabbits. we send them into their class at 8am.

yu ze didn't cry in class cos i went in with him but he refuse to let me go too. when i told him, i go out for a while and will be back, he will hug me very tightly refuse to let go. by 830am, i decided cannot liao. i will never be able to get out if i don't insist and walk out. i kiss him and say bye bye then pass him to the auntie in class and walk out. the moment he is in he auntie's hand, he started crying and screaming.

i walked straight out without turning back. took a bus to amk hub to have breakfast. by the time, i return to school it was 1015am. it was play time for yu ze. i peep at him from the office and glad that he is playing happily. i took my stuff and went over to the office to do my work. around 11am, i wanted to peep at him again but couldn't. happen that his teacher is outside his class so i manage to talk to her. she is surprised that yu ze is doing so much better today, didn't cry much unless there is another child crying. even then, he is only like weeping, not the loud cry. she also let him sit facing the window so that he will get to see me if i ever walk pass.

at 12 noon, i heard him crying loudly as i walk towards his class. quickly hide myself and walk away. went back at 1pm, everyone is taking their nap liao. i walk in and saw my yu ze sleeping soundly without his pacifier. also checked with teacher on why he cried after bath, she say cos he wanted his milk. sigh.... that's my little milk addict. off i go again for my lunch and inform teacher i will be back at 430pm to wait for school bus with him.

he was happily playing in class when i went back but started crying the moment he saw me. i went in to hug him and sit with him. i ask him to join his friend in the singing while i sit at a corner for him. he let go of me and join his friends, will still come back to me to hug me once in a while.

finally the bus came and its time to go. yu ze is more than happy to say bye bye to everyone and follow me to the bus. its another bus auntie and not the same one in the morning. talked to yu ze and told him that he will need to follow bus driver uncle and auntie home tomorrow. i will be waiting for him at home. the journey home for this timing is indeed quite long, took us 40 minutes to reach home.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

1st day of school

today will be yu ze's first day in school (childcare to be exact). mummy had arranged to take school bus with him to school so that he can get to know the bus driver uncle and auntie on the bus.

the bus is supposed to pick us up at 720am, 2 car parks from our place. why 2 car parks away cos right in front of my car park is rosyth pri school, there will be bad traffic during that time as many parents will be dropping their kids off. thus, they can only offer to pick us up 2 car park away which is like 5 - 10 minutes walk depending on our speed.

anyway, first day of school after chinese new year both mummy and yu ze almost missed the bus. mummy wakes up at 7.05am and quickly get myself changed and make milk for yu ze. wake him up and quickly changed him into his uniform and carry him and his school bag and head straight down. anyway, we are definitely later than 720am but we are lucky to catch the bus before it turn out of the car park. if not, we will have to take a cab down to school ourselves. i let yu ze drink his milk in the bus and tell him that he will need to follow uncle and auntie next week to go to school. i give my contact to the bus driver together with yu ze's name and class and the arrangement for tomorrow and fri.

i would say the journey to school is not too bad cos we are taking a lot of small road through terrace houses and condo to pick up other children. therefore, the bus speed is pretty slow in a way which i think it should be quite safe.

since its first day of school, i decide to let yu ze stay for class only and bring him back at 11am taking the school bus again. i brought him to his class and drop him off to play while i go back to the office to make payment for his school fees. when i went back to peep at him, he is still happily playing inside. i'm so relief and happy to see that. however, i was happy too soon.

after 30 minutes, he suddenly realised that i'm gone and started screaming and crying inside. keep pulling the teacher's hand to the door indicating that he wants to come out. then he saw me from the window, he cry even louder. it so heart pain to see him cry like that, i end up crying with him. i walk into class and carry him trying to pacify him. my tears just keep dropping while i carry him. i never thought he will be so needy as he has always been very brave and independent. he hug me very tightly and refuse to let go at all.

after a while, then i manage to put him down to let him join his class for activities. i sat at a little corner in the class. he will play half way and start searching for me and came running to me for a hug. he got himself injured on the first day of school too. he and his friend were playing at the kitchen set, don't know what happen his hand got caught and become red and swollen. he was crying so badly that the teacher quickly get ice pack for him. he just hug me and cry. poor boy.

i stay in class with him for the full 3 hours. yu ze slept on the way home in the bus, i guess he must be too tired from the class and crying. and me, i'm just too hungry cos both of us woke up late, i end up with no breakfast. hopefully, yu ze will do better tomorrow or i can more hard hearted and leave him with the teacher and go for my breakfast.

Saturday 6 February 2010

yu ze - 18 months

time really fly pass. my bao bei yu ze is 18 months old liao and this heartless mummy is going to send him off to childcare after chinese new year. cutting him off from his comfort zone (babysitter) to a total new environment. though not totally new to him cos i have been bringing him down to get familiar with the environment for the past Saturdays. since he had not met any of his teachers yet, so still can consider new to him bah.

i don't know how well he will adapt to childcare life. certainly wish that he can get used to it pretty fast. knowing that i can't send him to childcare when i'm doing confinement, i have also make arrangement for yu ze to start taking school bus. therefore, at 18 months he needs to face 2 challenges at one go. going to childcare and taking school bus, its sound like a life of a primary school kid.

as mention in my previous blog, he was complaint for his poor speech. hopefully, he will pick up in his speech after going to childcare. i had got all his things ready for childcare except for labelling them. not sure how i should label them especially the towels. thinking of getting a label machine but the labels are so ex that i'm still considering. really cheapo mummy hoh. :p

Thursday 4 February 2010

fail OGTT

this afternoon, i received a call from kk informing that i failed my ogtt. the passing grade is 7.8 while i got a 9. well, its better compared to yu ze's time where i got a 9.7. i'm all prepared to fail cos baby does has a sweet tooth thus i do crave for sweet stuff unlike yu ze.

i requested to skip the diet course since i have already attended before. i would just go and meet up with the dietitian. i'm waiting for kk to call me back to confirm my appointment with the dietitian. hopefully, it can be schedule on my next gynae visit which is on 2 march 2010 b then i should be in my 32 weeks liao.

for sure, i can get away with the finger pricking process. for a healthy baby and a healthy me, i must be a good girl and work on it. :)

Wednesday 3 February 2010

complain by pd again

yu ze had his final jab yesterday. again, he got complain from pd. this time is not so much on his weight and height but his speech. he is now 9.2kg and 74.5cm.

pd say he should be speaking at least 20-30 single words and 5-10 double words now. however, yu ze hardly had 5 words leh. i think and think can only think of bus, uh oh, take out and mum mum leh. he don't even say papa and mama loh.

it never occur to me that his speech is poor cos he is very talkative in his baby language loh. if we can make up what he is saying from his baby language then he is really saying a lot. :P pd says give him 6 months to improve. if in 6 months time, he is still like that she would suggest to send him for speech therapy liao.

sigh.... is it necessary to send him for speech therapy. i thought its common to have boys to talk later. anyway, hopefully he will improve when he goes to childcare.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

7th gynae visit

today, wake up early cos i got ogtt today. fast since last night and did my first blood draw at 9am, drink a cup of super sweet drink then did a 2nd blood draw at 11.15am. the drink is so yucky that even when i burp i still get the taste. yucks!!!!
in between the wait for blood draw, i also had appointment to see gynae. baby is at 1.1kg same weight as yu ze at 28 weeks. i gain 1.3kg in 1 month time, weighing 49.1kg now. gynae confirm with me again that baby is still a girl. hahaha.....  gynae mention that if i don't get his call in 1 weeks time, it means good news.
i don't remember having to wait so long for the result loh. last time, i got the call that night itself liao. anyway, till now i still haven't get any call. maybe i must really wait till 1 week later bah.  we had also did our pre-admission and book our room. again, we had go for a1 ward cos darling say must be fair. since yu ze got single room, then we will have single room again. however, the fees is definitely more expensive now. we make payment of $2080 via cash compared to about $1.7k, 2 years ago.

Thursday 7 January 2010


i bought his uniform today. sort of prepared that the uniform will be big for him though its xs. indeed, its really big. he will really 'grow with kinderland'. hahaha....

Wednesday 6 January 2010

yu ze - 17 months

as i mention before, as yu ze grow i got less and lesser thing to blog about him. he is still not talking much as in saying any words. he does have lots to say with his baby language. don't know what he is talking about, only know he got lots to say.

my last blog on him is that he don't know how to come down his toddler bed. however, very soon he master the skills and start coming down liao. my sleepless night starts from the day he knows how to come down. he will start walking over from his room to ours and climb up our bed to sleep. if we bring him back to his room, he will still walk over. we must stay with him to make sure he slept again before we can leave his room. is he starting to feel insecure due to mei mei's arrival in 3 months time? i hope this phase will pass pretty fast.

very soon, yu ze is going to cc liao. its really hard to believe that my boy is old enough to go cc liao. time really pass by very fast. hope he will adapt well to cc. we shall start bringing him to cc every sat to get him familiar with the place.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

6th gynae visit

went to see baby again after a long wait. i thought i would have gain a lot of weight this period as its christmas season, there is reason to eat and eat non-stop. hahaha..... however, i was wrong leh. i only gain 1kg, current weight is 47.8kg.

though my weight gain is very minimum but baby is actually bigger than yu ze leh. yu ze is only near 600g at 23 weeks but girl is 700g at 24 weeks. hmmm...... i still always think that she will be smaller, seems like i'm wrong leh. her current heart beat is 132/minutes.

anyway, i was schedule for the dreadful ogtt on my next visit. sigh.... i guess there is no escape for me from the fingers pricking activity again. gynae consol me by saying this, 'think of the end product (healthy baby) you will find that whatever you do or suffer now is worth it.'

this is very true loh, looking at yu ze now i don't really remember all the 'pains' that i have suffered. :)

he is very cute today, he try to climb up the scanning bed with me today. he is also very friendly towards gynae. i guess he is comfortable with him liao and also the whole kk environment. he seems to know where is where in kk. every time, we are in kk he will sure want to walk to the little park to see the statues and water fountain.

Sunday 3 January 2010

kangaroo ride

bring yu ze out shopping at united square, he saw this 'kangaroo' ride and gets super excited. so hubby decide to let him have some fun. :)

i didn't get to ride on it cos hubby say i can't drive, so cannot play :(
kangaroo ride
driving kangaroo