Monday 21 December 2009

holiday without passport

last year, darling feels that yu ze is too young for a holiday. this year, we still didn't get our holiday cos he still thinks yu ze is too young, me preggy and with h1n1 saga, no overseas is allowed. :(

i'm pretty upset about it cos i know many babies had already travelled overseas as young as 6 months and below. in this case, yu ze is consider 'over aged' liao. arghhhh......


to compensate us in a way, darling booked for us a 3 days 2 nights 'overseas' trip for us at rasa sentosa. this 'overseas' trip does require us to travel from 1 island to another island without the need of having a passport. :P

sigh..... i guess this 'holiday' is better than no holiday bah. we did enjoy yourself for that little short trip.

Saturday 12 December 2009

upgraded to toddler bed

i know i'm super kiasu and i have upgraded yu ze to toddler's bed liao. this is to transit him out of his cot so that mummy can give the cot to meimei in april. don't want him to think that meimei is taking over all his stuff so must give him time to get use of it.

mummy being cheapo, bought a cheap 2nd hand toddler bed from a forum mummy. though its a 2nd hand toddler bed, it looks very new. it comes with the mattress and 2 sets of bedsheets too, all for the price of $80.

sleeping soundly on his new bed
yu ze is able to climb up and down of the bed himself. i place some mat below his bed and a quilt on top of the mat to provide some cushion in case he does roll over and fall off bed. he had been sleeping on the new bed for some time liao and no accident had happen. 'touchwood'
though he can come down of his bed himself, he dare not come down when he is awake. he will sit there and call for us to 'rescue' him. ahahha..... i'm very glad that he took to the new bed so fast and without any fuss.

Sunday 6 December 2009

yu ze - 16 months

isn't he cute?
i must remember to blog about yu ze's development every month though there isn't much to blog now.
things he can do now:  
  • go up and down the stairs by holding on the railings
  • kiss mummy when i ask him to kiss (sometimes depends on his mood also)
  • bring his shoes to you to ask you to wear so that he can go gaigai
  • can understand simple instructions, eg can take his own diaper and throw in dustbin
  • will try to dance together with music
  • able to sit down and watch tv for about 10 - 15 mins (giving us sometimes to do something in peace)
i'm going to send him to childcare next year after chinese new year. hopefully, he is able to adapt to school life well.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

detailed scan

didn't send yu ze to babysitter's place today. going to have detailed scan, so going to bring him along to see baby. as usual, he wakes up early at 6.30am to have his milk. then he went out with darling to buy breakfast for me while i sleep a bit later. :)

after breakfast and packing yu ze's bag, we are ready to leave for kk to see baby. very excited, can't wait to see baby and also to find out his/her gender. the wait is pretty short maybe cos i'm the first few bah.

the scan was quite long cos the sonographer forgets to enter my name before she starts. thus she end up doing the scan twice. well, its good for me cos then i get to see baby more. hahaha.... baby is also not super cooperative. she is always touching her face or sucking her fingers. not in the right position for certain scans. sonographer mentions that she is of an average size as of now.

yu ze and darling was with me all the while during the scan. however, its yu ze's nap time so he is a bit grouchy. darling got to carry him out towards the end of the scan to walk around, leaving me behind to continue my scan. at that time, darling still don't know if baby is a girl or boy cos she didn't open up her legs for the scan. hahah.... i only got to know just before i finish the scan.

i'm so happy that i can start buying pretty dresses to dress up my girl. :) i'm going to tahan and hold my buying. cos once start its difficult to stop. must hold and hold on first if not, pocket will cry. hahahah.....

after the scan, went to see gynae with my report. gynae says everything looks good. he congratulate us and know that i'm super happy. he even commented that i can plan to close shop liao. hahahah....

my weight now is 46.8kg. if based on my first visit's weight, i only gain 600g. if i take the weight i lost during first trimester till now, my gain is 2.2kg. gynae didn't comment on my weight so i guess its still ok for now bah. the gain will be more and faster as i go. hopefully, i can keep my weight gain below 10kg.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

4th gynae visit

i took half day to see baby in the afternoon. pick up yu ze at babysitter's place around 3pm to bring him along to see baby. he had been very sweet towards baby. now he knows how to come to me, lift up my top and give baby a kiss then cover up tummy again.

i realise whenever i bring him to my gynae visit to see baby, he tends to be more sticky me. wonder why like that? show him where is baby on the screen and tell him that is baby that he always kiss. he will just look at it blur blur and suddenly scream with excitement. hehe...

baby is active and good. very hard to scan for him/her, always moving. gynae try to scan for his/her gender but can't. he say got chance for baby to be a girl. hoping that he/she is really a girl.

anyway, mummy failed her urine test. gynae say since i gd with yu ze, he wants me to do ogtt when i hit 28 weeks. he also advise me not to take oily food. to date, i still haven't gain back the weight i lost. currently at 45.2kg. darling is worried that i'm not gaining weight and wants me to eat more now. my appetite is still not back to my normal yet maybe that explain my low weight. anyway, its also good. its means i got less to lose after i deliver. hahaha....

next visit will be detailed scan. hopefully, i can get my dream come true to have a baby girl coming next year. :)

Friday 6 November 2009

yu ze - 15 months

i realise as yu ze grows, i have less and less things to blog about him.
things he can do now:
  • wave bye bye
  • give flying kiss with sound and very generous with it now
  • upgraded from his 'baby food' to adult food
  • remove the velco of his sandals and wait for you to remove his shoes
  • talks a lot now but we still can't make up what he is saying except for 'ba = bus', 'ca = car'
  • he will shout 'ba' when he sees a bus pass by.
thumb is so yummy
can't think of any other things at the moment. mummy got poor memory. :P

Tuesday 13 October 2009

big balugu

yu ze had his first balugu in his 14 months of life today. according to babysitter, he was 'running' round the house. he make a quick turn and knock into the wall. surprisingly, he didn't cry at all after the knock. its just like nothing had happen. hopefully, his balugu will go down soon.

Monday 12 October 2009

first trimester scan

today, i went to ttsh for my physio then head straight down to kk for my first trimester scan. reach there and waited for about 30 minutes before its my turn.

baby is very active. he/she keeps on moving and was touching his/her face during the scan. spend some time in the scanning to get all the measurement. this time, i can get the result immediately after the scan cos i did the blood test at 9 weeks+. no longer needed to wait for the next gynae visit the get the result.

result is glow risk, 1:10658. result is not as good as yu ze's, 1:13113. i think age does matter in this. anyway, as long as its low risk that is good enough to know.

my ms is getting slightly better so i thought i would have gain some weight back. to my surprise, i didn't and lost some weight. i'm at 44.6kg now.

the next visit to see baby will be in another month. its going to be a long wait.

Sunday 11 October 2009

fruitful shopping

i had been having ms and feeling tired that we spent most of our weekends at home. finally we went out today. we had dim sum as breakfast at xin fu restaurant. yu ze had his share too and enjoying it a lot.
then we headed down to takashimaya cos i'm meeting a forum mummy to shop there as she is a member and will have an additional 15% discount on purchases. 
i wanted to get a thermal cooker, preparing to cook dinner for yu ze when he goes to childcare next year. heard that with a thermal it will save money in terms of gas and electricity. we just need to cook over the stove for 20-30 minutes then transfer the pot into thermal cooker and leave it inside for 5-6 hours without electricity or gas, it will auto cook the food further and still remains hot after 10 hours. i invested in a 6 litre tiger thermal cooker that cost $299 before discount. $299 is already a sale price and there is also a free gift of endo 1.5 litre thermal cooker. 
since got discount i must also stock up on avent teats and bottles lah, 20% + 15% is a lot of savings leh. i also stock up on the lo hang ka bird nest. we bought 8 bottles and enjoy a 15% + 15% discount for it. thought total damage is about 1.2k, we did had a saving of almost $400 loh. hehehe.....

Tuesday 6 October 2009

yu ze - 14 months

standing on the sofa
today, my little darling is 14 months old liao. last month, i was saying that he started to walk with our assistance. now, he no longer need us to hold him to walk. he is able to stand up without support on his own too. now that he is more stable in walking, he actually tries to run instead of walking.

if he can't reach things he want, he will hold your hand and bring you to them and point out to you to give it to him. if he don't get it, he will start throwing temper. very bad temper boy. must start to discipline him liao, can't always give in to him.

he will shake his head to tell you he don't want. look up and point to the sky when you ask him where is the bird? know how to do the don't have hand sign. finally able to do the flying kisses but its still not consistent.

his favourite toy now is mummy's wallet. he will explore my wallet and remove everything from inside. he always ransack my bag for my wallet.

now he also started to have a bad habit. he will spit out his food. it could be the first few mouth of the feed or during the feed. don't know he don't want to eat or he is full liao. hopefully, this is just a passing phase.

he also started to cry when someone go out without him. he will be crying badly for that person to carry to bring him out but once that person is out of sight, he stop crying liao. we say he very drama.

he still haven't call papa and ma ma yet. he talks a lot of baby language that we can't really make it out. we can't wait for him to call us.

Monday 5 October 2009

mc again...

i thought this week will be better than last week. i'm supposed to be back at work today. i took a bus to office and had my breakfast before going up. i didn't even have the chance to on my pc, i rush down to kk again. i realise i was bleeding again. the amount is the same as the previous time. the only difference is that i didn't get to start work and had to leave liao. sms my bosses and darling while i'm on my way to kk.

i registered myself and waited to be seen. i had a scan and was told baby is ok. i'm at 11 weeks + so baby is quite safe now. however, to be more kiasu. the doc decided to give me a jab to further stabilise the pregnancy. i was given 3 days of mc to rest at home.

after that we went to the wang's cafe in kk to get a drink. saw my gynae there and told him about my bleeding. he told me not to worry and if i need more mc just call him. i seriously hope that i don't need more mc cos of any more bleeding.

Tuesday 29 September 2009


i'm back to work yesterday and today only for 2 hours, then i realise i'm bleeding again. quickly pack my bag and leave a word with my colleague and i rush down to kk again. really don't know what is the cause for my bleeding. i didn't do anything very tiring or carry heavy things leh. i just sit and do filing only leh.

anyway, as usual i was given a scan to check on baby. baby is alright. this time round, doc ask me to up my dosage for hormone pills from once a day to twice a day. he is quite funny. after i told him what happen last week. he smile and ask me to quit to stay at home. hahaha.... he give me mc for the rest of the week to rest at home. comparing this week and last week, i think i'm making progress. instead of working for half a day and left, i had work 1 day + 2hours this week. maybe next week, it will be better.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

first day back at work ends with more mc

after my long break from work due to my fractured left arm, i'm back at work today. it does feel a bit odd in the beginning but after a few hours, not too bad liao. i spent the whole morning doing nothing but printing and filing reports and its not done yet. sorting and filing continues in the afternoon after i came back from lunch.

knowing my own condition, i didn't do anything very tiring. i just sit there and do my sorting and filing. once in a while, stand up and took a file out of the cupboard and place it back. so the most 'heavy' work i did is just taking an arch file out of the cupboard and putting it back.

don't know if this is the cause of my 'bleeding'? i went to the toilet and realise that i was 'bleeding'. i use the word 'bleeding' instead of spotting cos its a lot more than just spotting. i was in shock. went back to my place and sit for a while and told my colleague about it. i told her i will monitor a bit before i head down to kk 24 hours clinic. she asked me to leave immediately and not wait further. i went back to toilet to check again and this time i saw more of it. i know couldn't wait liao better go immediately. i quickly off my laptop, grab my bag and head down to kk.

on my way there, i sms darling to tell him. i was so worried that something will happen to baby. i keep telling baby not to scare mummy and must be strong. i cry in the cab. i try not to scare the taxi uncle too, so i try very hard to control my tears.

i quickly register myself and waited for my turn. darling still didn't reach when i went in. the doc did a scan and told me baby is fine. i feel so relieve when i heard that. she say its old blood and must try to rest. she ask me how many days of mc i want. she can give me all the way till first trimester end. however, i only requested for this week. i cannot imagine going on mc again for about 3 weeks. shall monitor my situation and see how.

back home, i have been a good girl resting in bed and not walking much. yu ze is very cute and sweet. he climb up my bed when he saw me in bed. then suddenly, he just put his head down on my tummy - his way of showing love. he is so sweet. i smile and say to him. yu ze is a gor gor now, must love love baby ok. he look at me and he did it again. yu ze, mummy loves you.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

3rd gynae visit

today, we went to fetch yu ze to go for my gynae visit. good thing is that baby is growing well at 9 weeks+. i have not been eating well for the last few weeks. my meal goes from 1/2 to 3/4 meal for breakfast, 1/2 meal for lunch and 1/2 or 1/4 meal for dinner. i felt hungry but simply got no appetite to eat. it just feels horrible.

i also did blood test today and schedule for first trimester screening in 3 weeks time. gynae wanted to give me some multivitamins to eat but i requested not to. i told him i will get those children's chewable multivitamins outside cos i can't swallow them. hahah...

yu ze finally got to meet my gynae and he is very cheerful and friendly towards him. when i was doing the scan, yu ze was crying for me. hubby brought him in to show him where i am and also the monitor and tell him where is baby. he just keep pointing at the screen as if he knows something.

due to my horrible appetite, i lost weight, only at 44.8kg now.

Sunday 6 September 2009

yu ze - 13 months

yu ze is 13 month old liao. we constantly remind ourselves not to call him a baby cos he is no longer a baby but a toddler. however, most of the time we fail to do so and just continue to call him baby. i guess he will always be a baby to us.

last month, he finally decide to walk with our assistance by holding to our hands. this month, he decide to be a brave boy and took his first few steps without assistance. though its still not very stable but i would say its very good liao. he likes to hold our hand and walk round the whole house, explore the void decks, car parks, playground, everywhere... he loves challenges, he will want to walk up the stairs, walk down the stairs and anywhere that seems to be dangerous for him like the drains. if he didn't get to walk to wherever he wants, he will throw temper and sit on the floor and refuse to move. so we will have to carry him away to another spot before letting him down to walk again. right now, he will need to crawl to something for support in order to stand or grab our hand to stand. he is still learning to stand up without support.

sometimes, he will hold on to his stroller and started to push it around in shopping centres. we have to guide the stroller to make sure it doesn't knock into people cos nobody can tell that a little boy is actually pushing the stroller around.

little cao ah beng
did i mention that this boy is a climber? he likes to climb everything. climb up our bed, sofa and even try to climb out of his cot. his favourite is to climb those little short wall (don't know the actual name. its like a little fence near lift lobby and letter box area) at void deck. he will climb up and sit at the latch there and shake his legs. then come down and climb up again. sigh....

he can finally wave bye bye liao. still doesn't know how to give flying kiss. he will put his hand on your mouth instead of his to give the flying kiss. he is able to stack 2 wooden block on top of one another too. he knows how to play slides too. he gets very excited when he sees the playground and will always want us to bring him. oh yes, another thing. he can finally self feed himself with biscuits and finger food. i think in this aspect he is pretty slow.

well, he is still our little darling and we love him.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

2nd gynae visit

we brought yu ze along for my gynae visit, wanting to show him his new sibling. however, this boy was sleeping when its my turn so he didn't get to see baby #2.

gynae say baby had grown as per last visit and i had put on 200g to 46.2kg now. gynae say got baby's heartbeat liao but i couldn't make it up from the screen. i should be able to as not my first time mah but i really can't see it well from the screen. hehe.... cos of this make me worried if baby really got heartbeat or not.

i also failed my routine test. there are lots of sugar in my urine cause by the cup of ice chocolate that i took before heading down to kk. because of this, i start to panic too. i don't want to be tested with gestation diabetes this time round. i want to prevent it from coming. i better start digging out my old notes and start on a correct diet. kiasu mummy. i also bought the urine test strips to do testing myself.

edd is on 22 april 2010.

Thursday 20 August 2009

1st gynae visit

back to my gynae to confirm my pregnancy today. he is still the same. our conversation goes like this:

gynae: wow!! that's fast

me: haiya, i so suay leh. i had a fall, fractured my left arm, had an operation and do x-ray. almost did another one yesterday too.

gynae: ok, x-ray can lah. no problem as long as there is a shield, you tell your doc say dr tham say can. no problem with x-ray.

he did a scan for me.

gynae: you are confirm pregnant. still very early stage. let be kiasu a bit, i give some vitamins and 'an tai yao' and see you in 2 weeks time, ok? we rather you had a fall during your early stage then in week 6-8. don't worry. do you want mc?

me: no need lah, i have 1 month of mc leh. heheh....

gynae: how's the little one?

me: he is small size loh, only 7.2kg leh.

gynae: don't worry lah. he will grow. i have a friend use to be smaller then me. there is once i saw him, he is taller than me liao leh. so don't worry. you take care, walk slowly ok. i see you in 2 weeks for better progress.

me: ok.

i left his room and sms darling about it. now we just hope that the little little one will grow and develop well. can't wait to see you in 2 weeks time and hopefully can see the 'blinking' heartbeat. 

Wednesday 19 August 2009


i tested with clearblue today though i strongly believe that i can't be pregnant. however, i'm wrong. i got a very clear '+' sign. its even clearer than what i had with yu ze. i was a bit shocked and lost to see the '+' sign. as much as i want to be preggie soon and hopefully can close shop soon. but in a way, this still came as a shock to me.

i wouldn't have tested if not for the fact that i'm going for an x-ray tomorrow for my left arm. now that i got a '+' sign, i'm quite lost. don't know what should be my next step. the first thing i did was to sms darling. then started calling kk to look for my gynae. cos he is fully packed and can't see me till thursday. so i got myself an appointment on thursday to double confirm this pregnancy.

then i start calling ttsh up hoping to find out if its safe to do an x-ray now. they keep transferring me from dept to dept but no one can give me an answer. so i guess, i just have to go according to time and check on the spot loh.

Thursday 6 August 2009

great to be 1

my baobei is no longer a baby liao. he is 1 year old today. lucky i was discharge and was able to have a mini celebration with him. just the 3 of us as a little family. we fetch him from babysitter and bought him a super mini cake for him to eat himself.

well, at 1 year old he still refuse to walk. don't want us to hold him to walk too. when we try to hold him to walk, he will sit down and crawl away. very talkative now, keep talking non stop. some words are quite clear but its not consistent so i guess he still don't really know them. new words coming out from him are open, bah bah, oh no, oh mao, ai jiak, there, stars.... finally able to drink from straw. no longer needs the bath tub to bathe. his new bathing method is to stand and hold against the wall, like those criminal being caught by police for body search kind and use shower head directly on him. its quite cute to bathe him like that.

oh yes, another important thing. he is finally able to feed himself some finger food. but its still not a mastered skill yet cos he still don't always did it correctly. he is sort of toilet trained at babysitter's place but not at home yet. he is able to tell babysitter that he wants to poo and babysitter will bring him to toilet to poo. but we are still not able to catch this at home.

happy birthday, yu ze. mummy and daddy love you.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

a bad fall

i had lots of appointment line up today, 3 sites visits and meeting with contractor and colleagues at another branch. i fall off the stairs at my second stop. yes, only second how to continue with the rest right. 

well, its those all building where there is only staircase access and back door will lead you down by the spiral staircase. i miss a step and fall for a few steps down the stair with shoes flying off. my manager who was with me had a shock. i manage to stand up and continue though my left arm feels a bit pain and numb. i can't put it down straight but to support it in front of my chest with my right hand. despite the numbness and slight pain, i continue with my third site visit and lunch before heading back to see doctor. 

i called my colleague from another office to accompany me to see doc cos i can't go alone carrying my laptop. we went to the gp opposite my another office but its closed. so we had to walk back to office to drop off my things and head down to another clinic. 

i was given a referral letter and told to go hospital for x-ray immediately. we went back office to pick up my stuff, called the other colleagues that i'm supposed to meet and inform them of what to follow up. we went down to tan tock seng hospital cos its the nearest. i called darling up too and he will meet me there. 

by the time we reach, queue and finally got my x-ray done, its almost 5pm. i was told there is no dislocation but a fracture on my left arm and need to be admitted. my very first reaction was, fracture only mah why need to admit. before i can get any clarification, that particular doc is handling an emergency case and i can't talk to him. the nurses also refuse to let me leave ttsh. it was till 7pm+ that i got to see the doc and he insisted that i admit for operation. he say my case is quite serious unless i'm an old lady if not, an operation is a miss. if i choose not to operate i will face more complications and problem in future. 

i started crying knowing that i have no choice but to admit. i can't go back home then what will happen to my yu ze. ttsh is so crowded that they can't get me a bed in class b2 even till 11pm. in the end, i have to downgrade to class c. cos of the wait for a bed is so long and darling can't leave me alone cos i'm a cry baby, he had to call babysitter and leave yu ze there for the night. 

darling was with me throughout till almost 1am after i fall asleep. he came back to see me the next day very early in the morning again. we only got to meet up with the doctor again around 11am to decide if i want to be in queue for operation or be discharged and come back again on friday. darling decided that i should queue and get it over and done with. i was finally being pushed in for the operations at around 6pm.

however, my operation didn't start till almost 745pm. they had numb my whole left hand so that i can't feel the pain and given me sedation so that i will be sleepy throughout the process. maybe the sedation got no effect on me, i can actually hear what is going on and complained about the pain. the doctor had to inject stronger painkiller in me so that i can't feel it. i was finally pushed back to my ward near 12 midnight. darling was so worried cos its supposed to be a minor operations and take only about 2 hours but i didn't return till 12 midnight. he told me he had called up the ward to look for me every hour from 9pm and the nurse just keep telling him i haven't come back. he went back to rest at around 2am again.

on thursday, the doc came and visit me and say everything is good and operation is very successful. he told me i can be discharge on fri after he check my wound. so i look at him with my poor thing and teary eyes and ask to discharge on thursday cos its yu ze's birthday. doc look at me and finally agreed. yeah!!! at least, i get to come home and be with yu ze on his very first birthday. we went straight to babysitter's place to fetch him from ttsh. i missed him a lot. though i can't carry him but seeing him is good enough. :)

i was crying on and off during my 3 days 2 night stay at ttsh cos there is no internet access, i can't go downstairs to walk around, simply got nothing to do. so i'm like a spoilt brat throwing temper and crying at darling, nurses and doc. cos of my 3 days 2 night stay at ttsh, yu ze also stay at babysitter's place for 2 nights. 

bad bruise

i didn't realise my fall is so bad till i change clothes. there is a super big blue black on my left thigh (see from photo, gross right?). my leg also have some blue black but still ok. then my left arm swell like a pig's hand after the operation and doc say its will last a few days. my right hand also have blue black cos of the drip thing that i had. sigh..... all kind of bruises all over me. i was given 20 days of mc for this fall.

Sunday 2 August 2009

1st birthday

i organised a little mini birthday party for yu ze. only my parents, fil, close colleagues and friends are invited. my house is small so can't house too many people too. with about 27 adults, 8 children and 5 babies, my house is packed with limited walking space liao. 
we had our buffet ordered from water-rise. most guest commented the food is nice and better than neo garden. the food is almost all wiped out. i only have curry chicken left behind. the decoration and set up by them is very pro and pretty. i also ordered some balloon since there are children and babies around.

i would say overall, the party is a success, everyone is very happy. nice meeting up with close friends and chit chatting. of course without alll these lovely guests, my party will never be complete. thank you all for coming and also your nice gifts. more photos will be updated as i haven't got them from my friend who is also the photographer of the party.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

you have grown up!!!

just now when we went to fetch yu ze from babysitter's place, i suddenly have this very strong feeling that yu ze has grown up. i look at him and my very first and strong feeling that he had grown. every part of him seems to have grow suddenly. he is no longer my little and small baby. it seems like he just grow overnight kind.
of course, i know he is growing slowly daily. but this sudden grow up feeling is so strong. i just keep looking at him. really miss his younger days.

Monday 6 July 2009

yu ze - 11 months

at 11 months, yu ze is able to tell when we are scolding him. he will look at us, frown and started crying every time we scold or beat him for his naughty act. darling says he is a drama baby. its really very cute to see him like that but we must control and not to laugh. i think id we do laugh when he did that, he will not learn and know that he is in the wrong. so far, he will remember and not repeat the same mistake.

his 'talking' also get longer, maybe its more of 'singing' then 'talking'. more 'words' are coming out from him, mum mum, ma ma, ba ba, eh eh, ah hum, bua, ah mum,.... he will raise his hands up trying to catch the birds on the trees, stretch his hands out to tell you where to go or ask you to come, know how to show sayang to people or toys.

he is no longer afraid of the touch of sand and grass. he won't guai guai sit in the car seat now. he will wriggle himself out of the seat after some time and will cry whenever i put him bacl. he still don't know how to feed himself with finger food. he don't like the touch of food. he had his first try on durian, the king of fruits. of course, i had also given him new fruits and food to eat.

Sunday 21 June 2009

father's day

i did a little 'poster' for darling on behalf of yu ze as father's day gift. thanks to pkum, i got the idea from her.

we also had a little photo shoot session. i got darling to get father in law and sister in law to come with us. although its just a short 30 minutes session, its very tiring. however, we are happy with the result. we manage to get nice family photos.

Saturday 6 June 2009

yu ze - 10 months

2 more months, yu ze is going to be a toddler. yu ze only weighs 7.4kg and 68cm tall at near 10 months. he is still consider small size cos he only hits 3 percentile on the health book. his other developments are all ok, no issues. he is also very active so maybe that's why he is not putting on much weight.
he knows how to climb up stairs long ago but last week, he actually climb up my bedside table. my bedside table is quite small, maybe the size of a3 paper only. on it, i already have his monitor (parents set), my wedding lamp and a teddy bear and other stuffs. he throw everything on the floor leaving my lamp, teddy bear and monitor on it and climb up holding on to the lamp. so its actually very limited space for him, if he were to sit down, he sure topple and fall. i was shocked to see that. lucky i was around when he do that so i can still hold on to him. can't leave him alone to play liao.
he got his 5th and 6th tooth cutting through liao. finally manage to train him to hold his own bottle to drink milk. he knows how to hold but just lazy to hold. but now, i don't care. if he don't hold, he got no milk. heheheh.... so he will hold when he is desperate for milk. evil mummy. hahahh..... he refuse to learn to walk. whenever we hold him to let him walk, he will take both legs up in the air. only when we don't hold him, he will hold on to furniture and walk a bit. can't think of anything new that he learn liao. poor memory mummy.

Friday 5 June 2009

last gai gai for my breast friend

today will be the last day that i'm bringing my pump to work. after today, i'm going to reduce my pump to twice a day. my supply had dropped very badly that i only left about 300ml a day. very sad to see my supply drop so badly. i'm not motivated to pump anymore. breast don't feel full at all after 8 hours. i think i will have to stop totally very soon. but, i think i had already did my best and i think my fbm will still be able to last about 1 month + before converting yu ze to total fm.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

2nd anniversary

this is only our 2nd anniversary yet darling forgets all about it. knowing that he will forget, i set alarm in his hp to remind him. however, i didn't state in the reminder what anniversary today is. I just put down as anniversary.

he actually called me after looking at the reminder to ask me, what anniversary? he keep guessing and got it all wrong. i just keep quiet about it. till the end of the day, he still don't know its our customary 2nd anniversary. its only the 2nd year and yet he forgets. its very sad loh.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

follow up check

i change yu ze's 2 medical appointment to today so that we don't have make 2 trips down to kk. we were there for his scan report and 3rd dose of penomoccocal.

he cleared his scan report and was discharge by kk for his uti. no more follow up needed, his last episode of uti was an isolated case. in the afternoon, we had appointment with his pd for the 3rd dose of penomoccocal. as usual, his weight and height is on the low side. he is only at 3 percentile by age. pd asked what he takes daily. she told us yu ze's absorption might not be good cos he eats a lot but not putting on weight. she wants us to stop giving him 'adult' (chee chong fun, rice, etc) food. give yu ze more soft food or cereal.

however, yu ze don't like cereal at all. he likes textured food. too soft food, he is not interested at all. he is already eating rice and porridge liao, how to go back to cereal for him. again because of his weight issue, i had another cold war with darling.

he say that i shouldn't introduce 'adult' food to yu ze so soon. should just give him cereal and nothing else. he didn't put on weight cos he can't absorb all his food. i feel so 'wei qu'. why blame me when yu ze is small size. since birth, his growth has always been consistent at this kind of rate. he is healthy and active so what is the problem when he is only at 3 percentile. if he had been at the 75 percentile range and drop to 3 percentile, then i will worry. but he is always at the low end what. so what is the concern. what's there to worry about? i really don't understand leh.

both of us are underweight too, so to have a small size baby, isn't it normal? darling make me feel like i don't love yu ze at all. i don't care for him. my love for yu ze is 0% and his is 100%. i'm really very hurt. why can't he accept the fact that his son is on the small size. its coming to 10 months liao, he still can't accept it. he didn't realise that he is actually putting a lot of stress on me.

Saturday 30 May 2009

wild wild wet

today is family day, so we had a day out at wild wild wet. my colleague pass me 2 tickets for free entrance and activities at pasir ris downtown east. when we are all ready to set off, yu ze wants to sleep liao. so we let him nap in his swim diaper. finally, he woke up at 11am and we are all set to go. wild wild wet, here we comes.
the carparks are very packed when we reached there. almost couldn't get a lot. downtown east is super crowded today and we just head straight to wild wild wet. only at the entrance then i know we can't use our own float. never mind, we can use theirs if needed. on our way there, we met my colleague and her daughter. she told us where the rest of her family are and we went to look for them.
yu ze swimming

they are near the 'tsunami' pool. we took out yu ze's shirt and he is ready to go. darling carry him to the pool to play with the water. he is so happy. as the name of the pool suggest, there are 'tsunami' waves in the pool when the guard rings the bell. the waves lasted about 10 minutes or so. yu ze is enjoying himself with the wave hitting on him. yu ze had 3 rounds of 'tsunami' waves and 1 round of floating at the shiok river before we headed home at around 3pm.

tsunami pool
lucky my colleague's family and my babysitter were there as well, if not we would have left for home much much earlier. darling keep wanting us to go back and feel that yu ze had spent too much time in the pool. darling started his nagging to go home about 15 mins we reached there. very upset with him, always spoilt the fun with his stupid reasons. because i don't have swimming costume so need to rely on him to bring yu ze down to the pool, so in a way must sort of let him have his way. but i think i quite good liao, manage to drag and let yu ze play for about 2 hours. heheh..... i think i better go get a swimming costume then i don't have to rely on him.

Tuesday 26 May 2009


recently, i realise yu ze likes to rest his head on my chest whenever he sees a stranger in the lift. i wonder if he is really shy or just pretend to shy. its very cute to see him do that and i love it whenever he rest on me. of course, his shyness doesn't stay long. within seconds, he will lift his head off and start to see that person again. he will then pretend to be shy again. by the 2nd time, he no longer become shy liao or there is not enough time for him to be shy cos the lift had arrived. heheh.....

Monday 25 May 2009

caught in the act

taking things out from drawers
mess creator
don't know if i'm right to say yu ze is a naughty boy. he loves to explore everything around him which is supposed to be good for his growth and development. however, his exploration exercise is no good for us. we have to keep clearing the mess he had created.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

follow up

today yu ze had an appointment at kk to do his last follow up scan for his previous case of uti. the scan this time round required him to fast. therefore, his last feed must be done before 730am. usually, he will wake up around 630am cos that is the time we leave for babysitter's place. however, he didn't wake up at 630am. i waited till about 7am, hoping that he will auto wake up but again he didn't. i have no choice but to disturb his sleep and wake him up around 710am for feed. i think its cos i disturb his sleep, he didn't drink much milk. so i try to give him so bread to 'tong' his tummy. he also refuse to eat and had very little of it.

we reach kk at 830am and due to the swine flu, all of us did temperature check before entering. at the diagnostic imaging clinic, we are told of what is going to happen later on and the whole thing will take about 3 hours to complete. in order for them to inject medicine in yu ze's body, they need to put that 'drip' thing on his hand. the poor boy was taken away by the nurse to prepare that as i told them i don't want to see.

well, the room is not far away from us either so we can hear him crying very loudly from outside. after much struggle, he was finally brought out of the room for us again. as he was struggling throughout the process, the nurses end up having to poke him twice cos the one for the hand failed, so they poke him again on the foot. yu ze was still crying a bit when he was in our arms. i see him like that i also heart pain and started crying too.

waited for a while before the doc came and inject the medicine in him. we are told to come back after 2 hours for the scan cos they need the medicine to move in the body first before they do the scan. during this 2 hours, don't let yu ze sleep. how is it possible not to let him sleep? i know they meant well when they say don't let him sleep so that 2 hours later, he will sleep while doing the scan. if not, he need to be put on sedation for him to sleep for the scan. having sedation do have some side effects on him.

i know yu ze can't 'tong' so long for not sleeping, so immediately after the injection of medicine, i let him nap. he napped for 30 minutes and wake up at 10am. we brought him to novena square for a walk and to waste time before heading back to kk for scan at 1130am.

lucky, i was able to make him sleep just before the scan so he didn't have to be put on sedation. the scan is completed in 20 minutes and i got the nurse to remove the 'drip thing' while we are in the scan room. yu ze woke up crying due to the pain when the nurse remove it.

we will be coming back to see the report on 2 june. hopefully, he will clear it and be discharge for uti. we measure yu ze's weight and he is only 7.2kg, only at 3 percentile. sure to get nagging from pd again on our next visit.

Sunday 10 May 2009

mother's day

though this is my first mother's day, i didn't spend a lot of time with yu ze. we leave him with babysitter around 1.30pm cos we went to catch a play at 2.30pm at drama centre. i have been wanting to watch 天冷就回来 when they first show in 2007 but didn't manage to go then. so this year i'm not going to miss it again. cos yu ze sleeps quite early, so we have to watch 2.30pm play as it going to be a 3 hour play. most of the tickets are sold out when i bought it, only manage to get 2 tickets on this day.

after the play, we had dinner first before heading back to babysitter's place to pick him up. by then its already around 8pm which is yu ze's bedtime. we brought him home, feed milk and he fall asleep shortly. 

no celebration in a way, just a quiet mother's day. hopefully, next year mother's day will have some sort of celebration or something from yu ze.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

yu ze - 9 months

in another 3 months time, my baby will not be a baby liao. he had grow so fast that i seems to miss out a lot of his development or lost count of them. yu ze is still as active as before or maybe even more. he will crawl from living room to kitchen to our bedroom to his room to dining room to study room. he had been to almost every spot of the house except the toilets cos we closed the door to prevent him from entering. 

now he likes me to chase after him when he crawls. whenever i pretend to chase him, he will crawl very fast to get away from me. of course he will laugh out loud when i catch hold of him and swing him up in the air. he will hold on to furniture and move around a bit. but he don’t like to hold on to push walker to move around. anyway, i can’t imagine him walking around. the house seems to be so messy now with him just crawling around cos he will leave evidence of where he had been by leaving his toys behind.

as he grows, darling and i feel that he really got a very naughty look. we are trying to figure out who he takes after. of course, we are pushing the blame for his naughty look to each other. hahah…. but whatever it is, yu ze is still our precious.

Saturday 11 April 2009

another milestone

yeah!!!! yu ze knows how to come down from bed to the floor liao. just now, he did it twice for us to see. babysitter had taught him that he can't come down with his head down first. he should turn his body so that his buttock will come down first. he had master the skill and is able to do it without help. he knows how to lay on his tummy and turn his body. then push himself down from the bed. then he either stand by the bed or sit down on the floor. i try to take his video but memory card full. when the memory card is ready, then battery flat. its just not my day man. never mind, i'm going to find a chance to video him doing that soon. baby, mummy is so proud of you.

Monday 6 April 2009

yu ze - 8 months

time really flies, yu ze is already 8 months old. as usual, his weight and height growth is still below 10 percentile or maybe 5. for there rest of his developments are ok, he seems to have develop quite fast compare to his peers.

he is able to pull himself up to standing position and is very good at it liao. ah gong says he is a 'hao lian di' cos he will stand up and hold with only one hand. he likes to crawl around the house to explore and touch anything and everything. he had 2 tooth each on the upper and lower gums. the upper tooth is still not obvious as they are just making their way out. as he grows, i seems to have less milestone to blog about. hehe....

its very easy to take him away from us. as long as you have food or you tell him, you are going to bring him gai gai he will sure to follow. he is more 'teh' towards darling now. whenever, darling came back from outside. yu ze will sure to crawl towards him. hump!!! so jealous.

Saturday 4 April 2009

1st photoshoot

 we brought yu ze for his virgin photo shoot toda its very tiring trying to catch yu ze's attention on the camera. he is super active. just like the duracell rabbit, always on the move. its so hard to catch a moment of him not moving. lucky the photographer is very patient, we still manage to get some pretty nice shots.

finally, we have our very first family photo taken too. there is something that i must boast about, i can still wear my rom dress. i'm so happy about it. i brought my rom dress for the photo shoot today. change into it for our family photo when yu ze is wearing the tuxedo (thank you, matt. matt lend yu ze his suit). 

darling also realised that there is a one photo look like him when he was young. same kind of posture too. hehehe....

Sunday 29 March 2009

moo moo....

in early feb this year, i blog about how desperate i was to get a chest freezer to store breast milk. i thought my storage problem for breast milk will be solved with the chest freezer that we bought. i'm wrong.

my chest freezer is already full with breast milk liao. i started to store in my own fridge again and 1 layer of it is already full. hopefully, i don't have to start using father in law's fridge soon. currently, breast milk are stored at 3 places - babysitter's place, my chest freezer and my fridge.

i need my one and only loyal customer to increase his intake in milk or i will run into storage problem again soon.

Saturday 28 March 2009


whenever we put him on the high chair he will sit like a gangster. he will sit with 1 leg up on the chair.

Friday 6 March 2009

yu ze - 7 months

my little baobei is 7 months old liao. time just fly pass like that without me knowing. really wonder where did all the time went to? 
my baobei is able to do these now:
  • 'crawl' at faster speed. his way of crawling is put his left knees on the ground and walk a step with right leg, then move his left knees forward again and walk with right leg.
  • stand up in his cot by holding on to the side bar. he will try to stand up whenever he can grab hold of something to pull himself up. there is once, he actually manage to stand up without any support on his own at babysitter's place. he gives babysitter a shock when she saw it. he didn't stand there for long, sit down quite quickly and was laughing happily when he sit down. its like he is so proud of himself that he is able to stand up without support. i have yet to witness this myself.
  • make different sound and pitches with his voice. i think he is quite amaze that he is able to do that.
  • 2 little pearly had made their way out of his lower gums.
  • put his 2 thumbs together and start to move his hand, this is his action of telling us he wants to listen to the song 'incy wincy spider'.
  • do the action of 'pull' and 'push'. he enjoy sitting in the kitchen and start pushing and pulling his bath tub on the floor.

Monday 2 March 2009

a teary day

today, we have to bring yu ze to kk to do his urine reflux scan. the doc needs to put a colour dye in him through his little penis to his bladder and then fill up his bladder through a tube. after which, they will try to make him pee so that they can scan and see the flow of his urine. the colour dye is to stain the urine so that the flow of it can be seen through the scan. he needs to do this cos he had UTI when he was 2 months old. this is a follow up of it. he did his kidney scan in dec and everything is ok so next step is this reflux scan.

we are not allowed in the room while they do the insertion of dye in him. i'm only allowed to go in to be with him after the insertion and he was tie to the scan machine. i said tie cos he was securely wrapped up to the machine which send yu ze screaming on top of his voice. he is screaming more than he is crying. seeing him like that make me cry too. he is so poor thing. i can only stand there and hold on to his little hand. even that doesn't really help to make him feel better cos he simply couldn't move. yu ze hates to be restricted so to him this is a real torture.

once the scan is over and he was release from the machine. i quickly carry and hug him. the moment he is in my hand, he stopped crying after a few seconds. my poor baby, so heart pain to see him cry like that. i came out of the room with yu ze in my arms and tears in my eyes. this scene give darling a shock, he keep asking me what happen. is baby ok? i hug yu ze tightly and try to control my tears. after a while, i manage to calm down and tell darling yu ze is ok.

the report of this scan will only be out on 17 march but a quick look at it, the doc in there say he should be fine. nothing to worry about. hopefully by then, we can stop his antibiotic which he had been taken for 5 months.

Sunday 1 March 2009

9 days difference

do we look like we are only 9 days old difference? (yu ze really look smelly old in this photo, no baby look at all)

this afternoon, i brought yu ze to my aunt's place to visit his little cousin, shi zhe. shi zhe is 9 days younger then yu ze. this is the first meeting for both of them and even for us (my cousin and me seeing each other's baby). we couldn't visit each then. she was hospitalise for pre-term contraction when i was due and not long after she delivered and i was doing confinement. so the meeting drag till now. shi zhe is a pre-term baby but he is growing very well.

we put them side by side to take photo but yu ze keep crawling away so we have to put yu ze in front of shi zhe to take this photo. cos yu ze cry very loudly when we put shi zhe in front of him. hahahah..... maybe shi zhi is blocking yu ze's view so he don't like it.

Saturday 28 February 2009

new pump

my avent isis duo pump sort of die on me a few times. half way through my pump session, it will auto stop. i need to on and off the switch for it to work again. this happen about 5 times. today, i decided to send it in for servicing. i'm prepare to pay for servicing cos i lost my receipt and warranty card. i had search the whole house, i just couldn't find it.

when to the philips service centre at around 11.30am, took a queue number and waited for about 15 minutes. the customer service guy told me that i have to leave my pump behind for about a week. how can i survive without my pump for 1 week. i can't even survive without it for a day, let alone 1 week. i don't know why i just couldn't get my manual pump to work. i told him, i'm not leaving my pump behind for 1 week. just let me know if it can be service on the spot, if not i will live with my problem. he told me to wait while he send it off to see what the service man got to say.

we waited at the showroom and service centre for less than 1 hour then i saw my precious motor coming out. the customer service man call for me and told me that they have give me a new motor as replacement, free of charge. yeah!!!! he say since i lost my receipt, he will use the serial number on the motor as reference to get my purchase date. with the serial number, he told me that he will put my purchase date as end of march. i think i bought it end of may so i just leave it as it is. therefore, my set is actually cover with warranty till march 2010. after i got a brand new motor, i push my luck further to ask about the tubing. i told him the wire on the tubing seems to have become longer. he say he will check if he got new wire for it. end up, he give me a replacement for the tubing as well. hahah.... i got a new motor as well as a new tubing. i'm so so happy. its like getting 2 pump for the price of 1.

now that i'm using the new motor, i realise that my old one is actually very noisy. this new one is almost no sound kind. its so soft. from now till my set warranty is over, i'm going to get an exchange if i face any problem with it again. hopefully, this won't happen again. philips, you make my day.

Sunday 22 February 2009

standing soon?

we were putting yu ze to sleep just now. our naughty boy refuse to sleep was turning around in the cot, sitting up in the cot and even trying to stand up in the cot. yes, he is trying to stand up or should i say he had done it. my baby had manage to pull himself up by holding on the his cot. we were to shock to see him doing that. 

ever since, he knows how to sit up from lying position. putting him to bed is never easy. he no longer get to bed before 9pm cos he will be sitting up whenever he don't want to sleep. sometimes, he will sit there and cry for our attention. we try to leave him alone as much as possible or simply walk in to his room and give him his pacifier and walk out again. i don't know what time he really go to bed now. 

now that he can stand up in his cot, putting him to sleep will be even a harder thing to do. he is still a bit shaky when standing up, not stable yet. looking at the way he learn to sit up, he will keep practising this new trick this week. yu ze, you are growing up fast.

Saturday 14 February 2009


a few weeks back, i ask darling if i will get any valentine's day present. he said yes but when is valentine's day? he didn't know when is valentine's day and i refuse to tell him. then after a while, he very confidently tell me its on 15 february. my answer to him was, well we just wait till then if you got the date wrong, you will just get scolding from me only loh. 

then 3 or 4 days ago, he came to me and said, we stay at home and watch tv on valentine's day ok. so i ask him again when is valentine's day. he told me he confirm its 14 february cos tv told him so. he actually needs the tv ad to tell him when is valentine's day, that is my gong gong darling. 

yesterday, darling came back with my valentine's day present. he got me a bouquet of tulips. i'm so happy. i still envy my colleague who got flowers in the office, didn't expect myself to receive it too.

we celebrate valentine's day by bringing yu ze to hort park and actually had mac for dinner. wanted to go the that mickey mouse restaurant at anchorpoint but its closed down when we reach there and the car park is full too. so we turn out and went to mac at king's albert park instead. no romantic dinner. sigh....

Friday 6 February 2009

yu ze - 6 months

very fast, my little baby is 6 months liao. i wonder where did all the time went to? it doesn't seems like 6 months had past. my baby is no longer a little baby. he can do all these now:
  • sit on his own without support
  • flipped from back to tummy and tummy to back
  • wiggle like a little worm in his cot whenever i put him down to sleep
  • puts everything into his mouth
  • can self-entertain himself in his cot
  • fall asleep on his own when he is tired
  • trying to crawl now but still not able to do it
  • able to sit up on his own from lying position
  • started on solid for him
  • chew his food like he has teeth already

looking at the list, my baby is really growing very fast.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

chest freezer to the rescue

we finally bought a chest freezer to store breast milk today. i have been nagging darling about our bursting freezer. once or twice a week, we have to play musical chair with bottles and bottles of breast milk. we will transport breast milk from my place to fil's place then from there move to babysitter's place. this had go on for quite a while and we still manage to have some storage space. i had also manage to squeeze another 60 bottles into our own freezer before doing any move.

well, this is not a permanent solution for our storage problem. darling will hear me complaining about no space every 3 to 4 days. one day, darling realise that the tray in the freezer is bend due to the weight of the breast milk. thus, he decided to buy a chest freezer for the breast milk. i search the singapore motherhood forum for a second hand one and manage to see one on sale. however, i'm late. it had been reserved and pending for collection when i contact the seller.

i'm in need of the freezer so much that i call the company in the morning and get them to deliver in the evening. we paid $280 for it and it was delivered at 8pm. finally, my freezer is free from breast milk and i can start buying ice cream to eat.